Hello everyone and happy Monday!
I hope you all have a lovely morning and are keeping warm.
Just a reminder that we are having our support group meeting tonight at 6:30pm, our new time, meet and greet time is at 6:15pm. I have heard from several of you, some stating they were unable to attend and the following are the responses that are planning on coming.....
Nancy Eaker
Larry Perry
Jimmie Perry
Beth Quattlebaum
Pat Holt ?
Tracey Carter (pre-op)
Sandy Edwards
Kathy Campbell (?)
Melissa Ledford
David Ledford
Christie Spivey
Shannon Rudisell
Rita Haas
Chris Brice
If you have not responded are are planning on attending please let me know. We will have door prizes and our subject of the night will be titled "Happy Healthy Holidays". We will discuss the stress of the upcoming holidays and how to deal with it and also old habits. I hope to see you tonight!
Much love,
I would like us to discuss the December meeting and see how everyone feels about planning a little Christmas Party.