GOT MY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your upcomming date!! Now that you are approved you should have a pre-op with the surgeon as well as a pre-op at the hospital so you can meeet the anesthesologist! Before surgery I stocked up on protein powder samples and all the vitamins/minerals I would need post op. I also bought SF ice pops, some soups, water, crystal light etc for when I got home. Some people are against buying the vitamins before hand because you may not like them after but I figured I could get them down (thankfully I liked them all!!) EarthFare sells protein samples for 1.50-2$ each. I tried about 15 before I found ONE that I liked!!! For the hospital I brought toothbrush/toothpaste, face cloths, face lotion, deodrant, cell phone (of course), some magazines (didnt touch them!), chapstick, something comfy to go home in and my pillow! I was most happy with the face cloths and lotion - made me feel better to be "clean" and something comfy to go home in. You dont want anything that will rub on you so something baggy is perfect!