Hey Everybody.....
Just a check in note: I'm doing great. I'm eating chicken on a regular basis now. I've lost 76 pounds give and take. Up and Down, but eventually it drops down. Thank Goodness. I have never felt so good in all my life, or it seems so. My job is going well, I've gotten a good promotion and a good raise. My love life is wonderful. (Not the motorcycle guy) The man I'm seeing is great, I'm so happy with him, I just wish things would move faster, but love takes time.....My foot is still trying to heal, maybe soon I'll be able to exercise more and the weight will come off faster. Right now its like pulling teeth. I just wanted to pop in and say Hello, that I've missed hearing about everyone. I guess everyone has been really busy with last minute vacations and all. But I think about you guys often and I hope all are doing well.....Take care, and drop a line sometimes....... Sandi
I'm glad all is well, I am sitting here waiting for my paperwork to arrive so I can set a date for surgery, I am approved but need paperwork first. I'M GOING CRAZY!!! But I think it will come today so hopefully it will be over soon and THEN I will have to wait for the surgery date to arrive but I know that will be easier. Take care