Deniel Letter
Okay- so I finally got my copy of the deniel letter from BCBS. The reasons for deniel are crazy. It is almost like they didn't even read my medical file. It says I must have a BMI of 35 or more along with one co morbidity. My BMI is 39.5 and I am on blood pressure meds and have been for 10 years. Blood pressure is still through the roof even with meds. What part did they not read? Then it says that I have to be like this 4 out of five years. Okay- so I have already established that I have been on BP meds now for 10 years. I did indeed lose some weight back in 2002 when I was dealing with my ex husband in court. I was a walking zombie because my nerves was shot due to being in court twice a week and trying to keep things together at home for my girls. I didn't eat and couldn't eat because I would be sick everytime I put something on my stomach. I still had a BMI of 33 and that is considered obese and was still on BP meds. I have sent in my appeals letter to them and asked themt o look at my file a little closer. Hopefully I will hear something back soon. Until then I am still waiting here patiently.