I went back to work today...
Hi guys,
Well I am bored to death walking and sipping all day so I went back to work for a few hours today. Dr. Lowe said I could go back anytime this week as long as i felt ok. I feel really good and I was able to swim yesterday so I was glad about that too. I am having to work hard to get in enough protein but other than that I am doing really good. I am just going to work a few hours a day until next week and then see how I feel. Hope everyone else is doing well.
No I am still on liquids for another week. I made the best cream of broc soup tonight and strained it and eat a half cup and it was sooooooooo good. I am doing well but still having to work on getting enough protien. And you are NOT old...just older than me. You are doing great. I can't wait to see how you have done next month at the meeting.
Hey there Shannon!
Sounds like you are doing very well...I am so happy for you. I know you are having trouble getting in the protein, that is normal at this stage, but please, stay hydrated, that is the most important thing right now. The protein will come. My hubby ended up back in the hospital due to dehydration after his surgery so I also try to stress the importance of hydration to everyone post-op....just listen to your body as your activities go and you should do great!

Oh my!
my hat is off as well!!!! I hope I can follow in your shoes when my day comes for WLS, I am now scheduled to be out of work for a couple of other surgerys so I hope I can return to work quickly as well.
The earliest I've heard someone returning to work after WLS is 2 week; so I'm hoping within 2 to 3 weeks I'll be ready to return. Hope all goes well for you, I'm sure it will though!!!