Need advice on finding a surgeon
I am trying to find a surgeon here in NC. I live in Holly Springs and would like to find one in my area. I previously selected Dr Moran/Dr Enochs but don't really know much about them. I have United Health Care/EPO and I know they cover the surgery but I don't know what the requirements are. Can anyone please give me some suggestions and if anyone knows if there is a website where I can check their statisics. Thank you in advance!
I am not sure how far Fayetteville is from Holly Springs but Dr. Davidson of Village Surgical is wonderful.
I love their office staff and he is very experienced in weight loss surgery. I have an appointment with him next week to schedule my surgery date.
Check them out at . Their telephone number is 910-323-2626.
Good Luck

Gosh jennifer you got to the question before i did. lol . dr malik is my surgeon, and he is awsome. i go to see him in cary for my post op visits and had my surgery in rocky mount. for me it was no big deal to drive to rocky mount 2 times. once for the pre op hospital visit and once for the surgery. no big deal because he has been an excellent surgeon and a compassionette person. i can see in his work that he is thrilled about changing peoples lives for the better. hope this helps. adrienne
Well Adrienne I had to get in before you...haha I knew you would give the advice you are great....But I do believe with the support of everyone there should be no one here that does not have a surgeon ... and Holly Springs is right down Kildaire Farm that runs right beside Ashville Ave... Ok to let you know how close from the office in Cary it is about 5 - 7 miles to Holly Springs road you go over Ten Ten Rd and Penny road then go to light at Tryon go staright turn left at next light on to Ashville Ave and then go past the parking garages on right and then Turn Right into parking lot and you are there not far at all from Holly Springs.... no ways as far as I drive to get there..we know that now don't we Adrienne...but if we here can help anyone let me know...
Check out the sergeon finder resources on this website. They can tell you a lot of info about doctors who are close by. As much as how many surgeries they have done. I have United Health Care EPO too. I have my apt for consult on 5/19. As far as I have found out UHC requries the usual BMI and says it has to be "medically nessicary". Good Luck!

Oh and here is the web address sorry should have told you...
Thank you so much everyone for your response. I'm sure I can find one now. I really wanted a surgeon that performed in a wake county hospital, but I've learned that no hospital in wake county allows it because of the liability?? But oh well, it's worth it to have to travel...I just can't go any longer like I am, I'm sooooo miserable.