Looking for friends
Hi Kurt and welcome to North Carolina!
We have a wonderful support group here in Gastonia NC that meets once a month and we now have several people that come from your are to the meetings. We have our own site http://www.gwlssupportgroup.com/ and also you can link from there to our new yahoo message board that was just set up today. We have a great group of people and would love for you to join us for our May 1st meeting!
Take care!

Picnic at H'burg:
Even tho you weren't there, here's the Luncheon on MLK in H'burg:

Hi Kurt,
It's great seeing a new face on the board. Congrads on your weight loss and a new life.
Take Care,
Toni M.
[email protected]

Hi Kurt, welcome to NC! Hickory is a lovely area. My dear friend's parents live there (he is an orthopedic surgeon there in town), and I have visited several times.
I have to "second" (third, fifth.....
) the invitations to our Gastonia support group meetings. We've got a great group going, and everyone is incredibly friendly. Nancy Eaker is our fearless leader - she responded earlier. I know its not around the corner, but it isn't too far to come once a month!
Please forgive the lateness of the reply. I miss most of the board action - such is the life of a first year teacher (who hasn't seen 21 in a long time!).... Twenty seven ten and eleven year olds will wear you down......
Anyway, welcome to NC, and to the world of being post-op!
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