Good Morning everyone!!! Well its 4:55 in the morning and I am getting ready to go to the hospital to become a looser
CAN YOU SAY BALL OF NERVES!!!!! Because thats what I am about right now.
I just want to thank all my OH family
Yall are wonderful. Pray for me that everything will go as smooth as a babys bottom. I was in the shower this morning and I looked at my self and actually said goodbye to all the rolls and extra baggage. LOL.. Crazy right !!! Anyhow I just wanted to say Good morning and wish me luck and bunches of prayers. Because the next time I talk to any of you I wil be a LOOSER !!!!! YEAH BABY !!!!!
HAve a good day everyone I am gone!!!!!!

Hey Rhonda,
Try the link again. I didn't realize that I had blocked visitors from the site. I usually just use it to transfer photos over to my profile and use the Webshots album to post most photos. It should work now.....
I hope that you can come up on July 15th, Sat to the clothes swap and lunch in Brookhaven. I will go thru the coast to visit my sister who lives in MS close to Mobile. Maybe we can get togather for lunch. I am taking my Mom on a road trip and we want to go to Foley Ala to the outlet mall for some heavy shopping LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Will you purchase a new bathing suit this summer, if so will it be a one piece or a two piece? I will be buying a new bathing suit before July, I plan to buy a two piece so that I can get a good tan,whether I will wear it out in public is a different story.
2. Where if anywhere do you plan to take a family vacation this summer? We are taking our kids on a cruise in July to Cozumel Mexico.
3. Have you or do you plan to have any plastic surgery once you meet your WLS goal? At first, I said no. But now I am leaning towards yes. Definitely a Boob Job (I have none left), possibly TT, and legs.
4. What is the worst thing about your life after WLS? Not being able to pig out on something that is just delicious... having to stop eating after a few bites when you are enjoying it so much.
5. What is the best thing about your life after WLS? Most importantly that my health is better.. But I love being able to buy clothes in any store.

1. I don't know if I will or not. If I lose enough weight not to look like a beached whale, I'll probably buy a one piece.
2. I'm in school full time so I don't know if we'll be able to go anywhere. My sister really wants to take the kids to Atlanta to the aquarium, so we maybe able to do that.
3. Still early in my wls journey, so don't know yet. Not ruling it out as a possiblity.
4. Seeing my family eat things that I want and can't have and not being able to chew gum.
5. Knowing that I will be more healthy when I lose this weight!!!!!