Good Morning NC
Hello Pat and Everyone,
Gavin is busy this am at work he called me as always to make sure I was okay, around 7am.
All is well here , I have healed up so fast , I called my boss lady yesterday and told her I am coming back to work on Monday, I have cabin fever. I was not scheduled to return until next Thursday but, I am so ready to go back ( or at least save some of my personal time for later in the summer ) .
I have been eating cottage cheese, cream of wheat and eggs without a problem, I understood that was my first "soft foods" , but as I read others post, it looks like they are doing puree foods. Well , I guess I am doing okay
I know protein shakes are so very important but, I can not stand them
I am planning to try some other types this weekend , that I can mix with my Crystal Light.
Well, going back to the sofa now. Love you all, Allison