Hi All,
It's Krista in Charlotte.
I changed my profile name because I just found out something that bothers me.
Did you know that if you go out to Google and put your own name in that it will bring up your OH profile?
I did not know this. The things I put in my profile I don't mind sharing with people who are either researching the surgery, having the surgery or know someone having the surgery
... BUT I was not prepared to have my thoughts and experiences readily available for anybody who puts my name into Google.
Just thought that I may not be the only one who didn't know this. I thought I would share.

I posted a warning about that back in the summer but another thing that is being done with profiles and blobs is that some companies find them and have a right to use them to determine if they will hire you. Teenagers are using blobs and posting personal and even some tragic things and companies are wanting to know about these things . . . like a window into the past or something.
This is the reason that I changed my name as well. Because of being able to be googled. But I think only things that are public can be googled and there is a place where you check for it to be public or not. I was able to pull up a court date on myself but no information came up on the court date.
Just be careful.
Hey I found this out like 6 months ago and when I google my name the site info for here still comes up. I had to close my account and start over. When you click on the OH through google now nothing about me comes up because OH deleted it all because my account was closed. But it still gives out more info than I would like on the google site. You now how after the title you googled it gives like 2 lines of info. Well in that 2 lines it talks about the surgery. My location and age. So... you still know it was me. I'm hoping itwill go away soon!!!!