State OH Meeting update
I've heard from 13 of you, and all but about 3 said CHARLOTTE...that's going to be a haul from Wilmington, New Bern and Rocky Mount, but I think us 'down Easters' are willing to do the drive.
Now I need suggestions on a we want to meet a restaurant or in a hotel meeting room? Seems like Saturday afternoon is a real winner for everyone, but let me know if that's got serious issues!
As far as when, I believe we should be thinking about the last couple of Saturdays in does that work for everyone?
I would also like to have everyone's photo that they use on OH (if you are using one!) so that when I print out name tags, the photo that we are used to seeing of you will be on there and help with identification.
Also, I am willing to do a little biography book if everyone wants to participate: maybe date of surgery, beginning weight, current weight, goal weight, surgeon, family/support structure, hospital, before picture, posting picture and current picture...would y'all be willing to email all that to me to go in a handout?
Waiting to hear from all of you!
If we can get a head count , of folks , I can start looking for a place to meet. My husband was going to check on a local family restaurant for our local meeting, so depending upon how many folks are interested maybe we could meet there for free. Any weekend day works for us other than weekend of April 7th.
What a nice thing you are putting together, THANKS .
RSVP --- Allison and Gavin
I live in Charlotte also and would love to come to the meeting if I am free that day.Let me know via email [email protected] .I am awaiting surgery from Dr Kuwada in Charlotte ,,,,,,,,,,,,Dee
I'm definitely interested. Charlotte, Winston, wherever you want to meet is fine with me. I think it would be good to meet in a hotel meeting room. That way it would be more private instead of being out in the open @ a restaurant. I don't have a photo yet on OH but can get one up soon. I like the idea of a little biography book.
Thanks for working on this!
This would be so great! I would think a meeting room would be best and more private. If everyone want to come to Gastonia we could have it at our new support meeting room at a Fire station and it does not cost anything...or people in Charlotte, check with your city offices and see if they would be willing to use one of their meeting rooms. This way we could all just concentrate on each other and not have the interruptions that happen in restuarants and the noise.
I will email you my stuff for the bio....looking forward to hearing more!