What is Support?
Hello All ,
I am home and doing great as my husband Gavin has told you all. I want to thank you all for the well wishes and prayers , I know you sent my way.
I also want to thank Gavin, he was by my side from the start, he is the best husband ever, I love him so dearly, without his love and support I would have never been able to do this. Gavin I can not use words to express just what you are to me. I love you Darling.
Thanks for the wonderful plant in the lovely vase Jamie, I LOVE IT . I did so enjoy your visit ( I bet you thought my friend Amy was a trip, she is but we all love her anyways , she is a nut ) .
I feel good, much better than I thought I would really. I am trying to drink, drink drink, and it is hard. The worst part of the surgery was having my IV in my neck, as the doctors could not get a vein anywhere else to hold it , it felt freaky having the tube in my neck, thank god it is gone, now my neck looks like a huge purple knot. My tummy is fine, I have had a couple showers no problem. When the tube came out . yikes, it only lasted a few seconds, and for that I am thankful, it hurt,
it was not very nice, poor Gavin I squeezed his poor hand like I was giving birth .
Glad to be home, going back to the sofa now , Love you all. Allison

Hey Girl,
Glad to know you're doing good.
You're very welcome for the plants and I did enjoy visiting with your friends and yourself. You take it easy
and concentrate on getting the fluids and vitamins you need to get your energy back
...When I'm through it next week and get back on my feet
we can start exercising!!! How much have you lost so far????
I was pleased to see that, as of this morning, I've lost 16 pounds on liquids
and I have my monthly beast now, so I'm hoping after a couple of days the scales will move a little bit more before my big day on Tuesday!
Call me when you feel like it and we'll get our popsicle party together

I had to get a central line too. Was it weird or what? I am glad to hear you home and doing well. Take care of yourself. I came home weighing 10# more than when I went in, it is all finally gone. It looked like I was wearing boxing gloves, my hands were so puffy! In additon to the 10#'s of fluid , as of this morning, I am....drum roll please......10 1/2#'s gone forever. AMAZING.