Insurance Denied ME!!!!
I got a call on Tuesday from Hickory Surgical and they told me that they talked to my insurance company and that they would not pay for anything. ANYTHING!!!! This has been a real upset. I had a feeling that they wouldn't pay for the surgery but I thought maybe some hospital bills. Oh well shows you what I know. I can't afford a loan or anything like that right now cause I'm only working part time and some wonderful people on here have told me about Vocational Rehab. I'm looking into that. This is just very frustrating...since I have decided to do this... I've found insurance on my own... crappy insurance but I have some..... went to my PCP on my own....went to the OB-GYN on my own...went to the Psyc. Eval. own my own.... and now I can't go any further!!! Ok I just needed to vent... I'll find a way to do it...
Well I dont know is I am a very good support person cause I am on 17
but I am awaiting my acceptence letter right now. I hate the wait and if it were to deny me I would also be VERY EXSTREMLY
upset. But my mom has always told me when something goes wrong think about it like "Its its ment to be it will be maybe not when you want it but when the time is write"
Hope I helped.
Much Love...