I just read your profile and saw it June/July that you would not give up on pursuing surgery. I think you have just forgotten what you want and feel discouraged -- but you can't give up because that's not what you want and giving up will not put you any closer to the light at the end of the tunnel that you are seeking.
You have the right to appeal with BCBS. I have BCBS of Calif. and was told by them they did not do any bariatric bypass surgery -- that was after I had done every test known to man as well as a thallium nuclear heart test, mammogram, psyche evaluation and more. But I wasn't going to be cut loose so easily. You need to keep banging on their door so that you can pursue your dream.
Never give up.
Many blessings,
LRNY 3/8/06
All right Jon I KNOW that any fan of Junior's
is not going to give up at this stage in the game! I have seen appeal letters on different people's profiles here for other people to go by. Post a request for them here and on the main board. I have read soooooo many that were denied the first time around--but that got it the 2nd! At least try for a 2nd time! Hang around the boards here and learn, learn, learn! You will get approved and have a surgery date and look back on all this and KNOW that it was worth it all to add years to your life and have a brighter future.
Oh, one last thing....Jeff Gordon rules!