Pre-Op Liquid Diet and Headache????
Hi everyone,
I have a question. I am in the 3rd day of my pre-op liquid diet but I have had the strangest headache for 2 days. It's a sort of swimmy feeling but a dull ache.
I took some tylenol yesterday but it didn't do much to help. Any one have the same experience or any advice?
Thanks much,

If you're are normally a coffee drinker, it could be caffeine withdrawal. I love coffee and was expecting the headache, but it didn't happen....I attributed that to the caffeine in the chocolate in the CIB drinks...are you drinking CIB? The way you describe it sounds exactly what I feel like if I don't have my morning coffee...if you don't drink coffee, but do drink caffeine in tea or soda it could still be withdrawal. Sorry you have a headache, no matter what is causing it. Hope it goes away soon!
Hi Shannon -
I am on day 12 of my pre-op and I too had a headache the first few days. For me it wasn't caffine, because I was still drinking Diet Coke. It did get somewhat better when I would take ibuprofine (sp?). However, around day 4-5 I quite having the headache and haven't had one since.
I wish you the best. Just take it one day at a time.