Hello All
Just a quick note to say hi and that I hope all are doing well. I also want to say how thankful I am for :
this life saving surgery,
the wonderful and quick recovery I have had,
my dear husband Gavin who has supported me from the first step,
my loving and helpful OH family , you have answered all my questions have listen when I have cried and have not judged me.
I also want to that this site for the dear friends I have made, Jamie and Pat--- I adore you both, and Gail you make me laugh, and so many more to name.
Anyways, I thank The Lord the most for all the above and for the chance to write what I want and feel what I do.
I know so many of you dear friends have had problems not only with this journey but other things in your lifes, I pray you will heal quick.
Enjoy this great Day, enjoy the sunshine, smile, and live ,because Life is a gift.
Sending all my best hopes your way,
Good afternoon...thanks Allison for saying what you do...you are an inspiration...have a great attitude and are a beautiful person...hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend and that the weather stays pretty.
I was able to play golf 9 (par three golf) yesterday with my Dad and it was wonderful to be outside spending a few hours with him having fun...my first Wow moment since surgery in that I was able to hit the ball better and hold up to walking around in the heat for 4 hours without getting tired. It occurred to me just how much of a difference the surgery has already made in my health. I also lost 2 more pounds...I believe the constant bending helped get things moving inside if you know what I mean (yes that is what I'm talking about) thank goodness
And...TAYLOR WON so yea for him...can't wait to buy his cd! ...
Love you all,

Hi allison,
Glad to hear that you are doing so well. I, too, am so thankful for this surgery, a nd that I made the decision to do it now, before I gained more weight and had more substantial health problems.
I saw your astounding weightloss on the cumulative post--Keep up the good work!