3 Months Already...
I was 3 months post op yesterday, I had my 3 month check up today. I am truely amazed at how much my health has changed for the better in 3 months. I have not have any surgery related issues, which I'm so greatful for.
My current weight loss is a few pounds over 50 lb lost, my new low blood pressure 110/60, and my BMI is 31. Three months ago, I was at a BMI of 41, blood pressure dangerously high with meds, and 50 lbs heavier. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I had the normal presurgery jitters and they we well founded. I figured out I worry way too much about stuff that's not important. I felt great after surgery, no pain or complications. I returned to work at 3 weeks post op and I've been going ever since.
The story has a twist though, I have a very bad herniated disc, it's gotten worse since my weight loss. I was advised by my dr to get it addressed as soon as possible.
I have chronic back pain it goes into my right foot and toe. I really had this fantasy that the weight loss would allow the disc to heal up for me. Reality set in, in the form of chronic pain (this is a presurgical issue). I am going to the specialist friday.
I might be the next one off my feet for a few weeks. I am unsure what to think now.
I do know that I have great insurance and benefits so I will be fine financially.
Take Care and Enjoy the gift of surgery. It's so worth it.
I lurk all the time, but I don't post often. I never seem to be able to make the meetings either, due to family schedules.