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on 12/14/15 7:07 am
My experience with Dr. Semerjian was excellent.
You've had this meeting by now, how did it go?
Wow I think you might be right Dan - rather than thinking moderation only it might be wise if I start some new traditions that include less food and more about the time spent with whomever celebrating and making memories.
I am sorry I wasn't online yesterday. Since you are in Bathurst today this isn't helpful. But I can say that when I met Dr Semerjian, he was kind, he explained the process, asked if I had questions and made me feel comfortable in my decision.
I met the doc in September 2015 and I was told it is usually about 6 months after you meet the surgeon that you have your surgery. You will have blood work and oxygen level testing that will all need to be done before surgery. Besides waiting 6 months with a checklist of things to work on hasn't been that hard for me.
on 12/11/15 7:01 am
My Christmas tradition is going to be very different his year. I'm only 3 weeks post-surgery and I don't want to project how I'm going to be eating at that point.
I did have a lot of "funeral" meals where I noted that this would be the last instance of a given meal... I knew I would not be eating this food in this way again. I actually found that very helpful.
I am - and this is true in large sections of my life - trying to reduce the association between celebration and food. I suspect that a lot of people here do not see a celebration as a celebration if there isn't something to eat. Everyone still needs to treat themselves, but some more moderation is obviously going to be needed.
My Christmas tradition will be to get through with some better habits, I guess.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to post something I've been thinking about since reading the thread about the wait list time for surgery in NB.
When you asked your doctor to put your name on "the list" did s/he tell you which doctors they were going to refer you to?
When I went to see my doctor to be put on "the list" (November 13, 2014) I told him I wanted to be on both the list for Beausoleil in Moncton, and for Boisvert in Fredericton (where I live) Boisvert? My doctor wasn't even aware at the time that there was anyone in the Fredericton area performing the sleeve. Thank goodness I had done my research before hand about surgeons in NB and was able to tell him where I wanted to go.
I've been on "the list" for JUST over a year now, and have already been contacted by Boisvert's office. I've been through the information packet, and returned the patient assessment forms. Currently I am tracking my food waiting to see the nutritionist and have some blood work done. From the sounds of it, from talking with his staff, it sounds like I will be done sometime next year in 2016.
I guess what I'm saying is that things are moving MUCH more quickly for me than I anticipated (I was told to expect to wait between 4 and 7 years) so don't just assume that your doctor put you on every list. If you are near to Fredericton, go and ask to be put on the list for Dr. Boisvert, if you aren't already. You just never know what might happen.
Well, for starters, I am already starting to look at things as "my last." Like, this will probably be my last Christmas to have and enjoy a big meal. My last birthday (in January) where I can go out and have cake and some drinks and get a little bit silly with my friends. It's hard because of the reasons you stated, food is such a huge part of celebration and I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss it.
But will it be worth the sacrifice? 100% for sure.
It will also be different for me this year because I'm writing down everything I eat so I can have it when I go see the nutritionist soon. I spent the first couple of days tracking just to get used to writing everything down. When I looked back on the things I had actually eaten it was sad. I didn't even remember putting some of it in my mouth. So this Christmas will be spent being very conscious and choosing what I eat. For the first time I'm not getting lost in my food, I'm actually going to be present and making choices with what I put in my body.
Merry Christmas! :) You're not alone :)
I go to Bathurst to meet the doctor that will be preforming the sleeve on me, I am wondering what to expect.. Im pretty nervous lol.. does any one know about how long after this meeting surgery is? what was your time line :)
I have been thinking alot about Christmas and most of my family traditions revolve around food. Baking with my Mom and Dad preparing all the special treats we only had at Christmas. Things like Scotch cookies, gumdrop cake, Cherry pound cake, peanut butter balls, peanut brittle, date filled cookies, fudge, pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie and homemade doughnuts. Nowadays I take my kids to visit my parents for a few days before Christmas and they also bake with my parents. It's tradition.
I am pre surgery but I have been working towards a healthier lifestyle, including better food choices and moderate exercise. I don't want to blow it all at Christmas and find my craving insane in January.
I know the baking is not something I need to stop but I really need to restrict the sampling of the treats. While visiting my parents in previous years, I seemed to permanently have something in my hands feeding my mouth. Everything is so good and I only have it once a year but this year I want to be more aware of what I am eating. Really savour every bite. Having less overall and just a taste of each treat so I don't feel I missed out on the season.
What will be different about your Christmas traditions this year?
at least your getting people to reply on this one. haha
i posted something awhile back, with over 200 views, not one person replied.
so it make it hard to want to come here and participate when no one replies or not much support is given unfortunately
Thats awesome. So glad to hear Im going to be in good hands when I have mine next year. Im having Dr.Semerjian as well. I have noticed lots of differences with us here and the states. I was just curious about the wrap. I figured we didnt get that because nothing was said to me.