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Just thought I'd post an update for anyone who was interested!
I am now three weeks post op, and honestly, I am feeling great. Every day it gets easier to get in my protein and water, and I'm getting my activity in most days as well. I'm still on the full fluids diet, so I've been having a lot of cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and strained cream soups. I was really excited last night when I went shopping at the Two Nations Crossing walmart because they had Boost Juice there! Not the shakes that come in just vanilla/chocolate/strawberry, but the juice that I had while in the hospital. I picked up a pack of 6 juice boxes and am excited to have different flavours to add to my diet.
I'm not going to lie though, the diet does become quite tedious. I have to follow full fluids for 4 weeks post op, then the next 4 weeks are spent on pureed and soft foods. After that if all goes well I will be cleared for regular food. I've only had two days that were really tough where I wanted to throw a tantrum while my family was having a delicious smelling dinner. It all comes down to head hunger, and my food addiction. It's not always easy to deal with, and in the past this is where I would have failed on any other diet. I'd have given in to my cravings and that would have started the snowball back into old habits. This time it's different. I can't give in because I would risk injuring myself, and if I injure myself I run the risk of needing additional surgery to repair any damage that might have been done. So... this time round it is easier to stick to what I am supposed to be doing, and fight through the tough times. Failure this time is not an option.
I am pleased to say that after spending most of my adult life wearing 3X or sometimes even a 4X shirt, today I am rocking a new 2X shirt! I am also wearing capris that I bought online from Old Navy last summer, but they didn't fit me last year! They were snug in the hips and I couldn't zip or button them. Today I have them on, zipped, buttoned, with room to spare and they are comfortable! While doing the pre op diet I lost 17 lbs, and since surgery I have lost 14, so I am happy with my 31 lbs that are gone forever! I'm making Monday my weigh in day, and sticking with that. The first week home I weighed myself every day and nearly drove myself crazy, so if you can get into the habit of weighing in only once a week you will be ding yourself a favour.
All in all, I am feeling very well, and going back to work next week. I took so much time off only because my job is physical and I have to be able to lift things. There has only been one moment during a head hunger attack that I regretted surgery, but that was only because my head was telling me I wanted a foot long sub from Subway again!! LOL!! In all honesty I have no regrets, and am very much looking forward to what the future brings :)
When i went for my consulatation in Bathurst. The nurse told me the province wont cover the surgery and skin removal and that it would cost about $8-$10,000. She said I could see if my doctor would fight for it to prove I have medical issues from it to have them cover it but its not likely. That sucks :(
Add me please! Im waiting on meeting my surgeon in Bathurst to have the Sleeve done
That's great news! Thank you!
By the way, how are you feeling now after your surgery? Sure hope you are feeling better....Hope to hear an update soon!
I'm in Fredericton, and my sleeve was done by Dr. Boisvert. In his consultation with me he covered skin removal down the road (pannelectomy) and said that he would perform it himself if and when the time came. He also told me that the province would cover the removal if it were for a medical reason, for example if I were experiencing a rash under the excess skin. So as far as I know, if it's for a medical reason, the province will cover it.
Are you struggling? Need Support? Need Daily Motivation? Do you have a desire to start working out or get back on track after falling off the wagon??? Or maybe you are already being active and need a place for accountability and love to keep others motivated?
Well recently I've been part of a small group within friends and it's working amazingly!! And I want to be able for you to have the same support that I've been getting from a smaller group with people that WANTS to change and WANTs to GIVE or GET motivation to get up and start moving!
This group is all about what you feel comfortable with, but I want an ACTIVE group with lots of sharing, pics, workouts, food, recipes, videos and more!
My promise to you is that this group will exist for as long as possible, as I'm one that is struggling and also will do my best to motivate each one of you, and to remind you why you are here in the first place!
If you think this is a group that you could benefit from, please let me know and i'll add you to the group!
Thank you for the info Cindy! Good luck with you surgery....please let me know how you make out..... :)
I've had my first consult with Dr. Jayson Dool in Moncton, he's one of two that Dr. B refers to in Moncton. It was a 7 month wait from the initial consult to the actual appointment. I'm still waiting to hear back from the province (PEI) if any of the surgery costs will be covered. I'm hoping they'll at least pay for the panni removal (lower stomach but not the middle ), which would be a little over $3,000 and pays for the overnight stay in the hospital and approximately two hours of the anesthesiologist's time. It's not much but every little bit will help. I'll return for another appointment once I hear back from the province to start the process for the first surgery. I understand the actual surgery won't happen until the fall, so it'll be a full year from the initial consult to the start of surgeries. I haven't gotten a total quote yet, and every patient would be different, but Dr. B. figured a tummy tuck and lipo would be around $10,000.
I'm not sure about in NB but in PEI, since it's out-of-province, once I got the referral from Dr. B, I had to get a referral from my family doctor submitted to the province, as my original bariatric referral wasn't applicable. There's a referral for the initial consult and then an application for the surgery. The above really doesn't answer your question, and I'm not in NB, so I can't answer it but I hope it sheds a little light on it. I'll be curious to hear from others.