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I was referred in march here in Moncton. But I'm hearing that's it's at least 5 years which is a complete downer because I was too stubborn to take a referral 2 years ago. I was determined to do it without surgery. Happy with the progress I have made losing between 50-60lbs in that time. I think the province needs to create a single referral system for all 3 surgeons and triage each referral as they are made not each surgeon doing it however they want. Anyhow life goes on I guess.
No complications at all here! I haven't vomited at all since surgery. There was a little nausea after I ate clams one day, guess my sleeve didn't like them that much. Not a big deal! No troubles with any other foods.
My referral was sent in November 2014.
I heard back from Dr. Boisverts' office and received the information packet in December 2015.
January 18 2016 I had my first appointment with Catherine McCain, the dietitian.
January 27 2016 I had my second appointment with Catherine McCain. I also began my two week trial liquid diet a few days after this appointment.
March 9 2016 I had my first appointment with Dr. Boisvert. He went over the surgery and all potential complications.
April 12th I went in for my second appointment with Dr. Boisvert where I signed my consent forms for surgery. His receptionist booked my sleeve surgery before I left and I was given a sleeve surgery date of May 9th 2016.
In the time between my first and second appointment with Dr. Boisvert I had blood tests done, and scopes from both ends to make sure I was clear for surgery.
The wait to hear from is office feels like forever, but as soon as you get that call about getting the information package the time flies by because you are so busy with appointments, reading your information package, and for me I did a lot of personal research online about the surgery and the outcomes people have experienced.
I was Ref For Dr Boisvert On April 1st 2015, I got my call from his office on June 8th 2016...I see him at the end of this month. Takes a while as you have to do a lot of things before seeing him.. 2 dietician visits, 2 week liquid trial( keep in mind you can't do the liquid trial till you see the dietician) then you have to wait for the dietician to send him her report, he also wants you to record EVERYTHING you eat, and exercise every day and write it down, also would like you to loose 10-20lbs.. All this before you see him!! So really from the time My Ref was sent to the time I see him( for the first time...I think you have to see him a 2nd time but I am not sure of that as I am not at that point yet) it will be 17 Months..... hope this helps with the timeline!!

When I hear back from the office I will update everyone to :) Hopefully its not any longer of a wait now lol.
Congrats on your success! Love hearing updates

" I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"
VSG: April 19, 2016, Dr. Beausoleil, Moncton NB, Canada
5' 2'' HW:276 SW:267 CW:149 GW:150 DreamW:136
Congrats on your success! I am sure you will make it back to your goal weight!

" I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"
VSG: April 19, 2016, Dr. Beausoleil, Moncton NB, Canada
5' 2'' HW:276 SW:267 CW:149 GW:150 DreamW:136