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After 6 years of waiting things are happening fast. My first appointment was on August 25 and today I got the date for my all day session. December 6 is the date and it is only two months away!
Tell her she has done amazing in less that a year 81 lbs. lost. I am so motivated!!
I was told that I could not gain any weight from the first appointment. They weighed me and that is the weight they go by. The nurse explained that people were gaining weight before surgery because they thought they could eat whatever they wanted. She said it is not healthy to gain weight before surgery. You can call and ask, but I am thinking that if they have rules they will not change them.
if you are referring to Slim-Time. Yes, you have to call and order them. They are not sold in stores.

" I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"
VSG: April 19, 2016, Dr. Beausoleil, Moncton NB, Canada
5' 2'' HW:276 SW:267 CW:149 GW:150 DreamW:136
Hey Guys, I was told recently that the only place to get the perscribed protein shakes for pre-op are from ordering them from Montreal. Is this true? Thanks
I had a sleeve, not a RNY, and I lost weight prior to surgery.
I was told I could not gain weight or the surgery would be pushed bac****il the weight was lost. I think if you gain 5lbs or less they may still keep the surgery scheduled but I know for a fact they have cancelled surgeries because people gained weight. I would call them to find out and if you did gain maybe ask them for help to loose it. I myself asked to see the dietician regularly prior to surgery to prepare myself and start the loosing process.

" I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"
VSG: April 19, 2016, Dr. Beausoleil, Moncton NB, Canada
5' 2'' HW:276 SW:267 CW:149 GW:150 DreamW:136
LOL! She can't figure it out! Here is what she said to tell you.....this is her quote....
'I chose RNY to lose the most weight I could, that I will be on vitamins and minerals for the rest of my life.............that I had now lost 81 pounds.....................and for me it was totally worth it and I would do it again. I'm doing well and managing very well since my surgery.'
She had her surgery in November 2015......
Has anyone gained weight prior to surgery with Dr. Beausoleil and he still performed the surgery?
Thanks ?
I was referred just over a year ago. I got the call for the first meeting with the dietician today. I'm so excited.