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were you given an initial expected wait time range when you were first referred? It sounds like most people were told 5-7 years but ended up getting it done a lot faster. I was told 2-4 years today by his office, so I'm curious if that means it will be EVEN FASTER for me, or if they are just getting more accurate with their time frames. ha ha
AWESOME!!! I'm so excited for you! And as a recently referred, this totally gives me hope. :)
Afternoon All!!
Just wanted to give you an update to all those waiting for Dr. Boisvert in Fredericton
Referral was sent April 1/15
Got the call June 8/16
1st appointment with dietician July 7/16
2nd appointment with dietician July 19/16
2-week liquid trial diet Aug 1-15/16
Tracked all food consumed and started exercising every day
Seen Dr. Boisvert for the first time Sept 27/16
Had a G-scope Oct21/16
continued to track all my food and exercise
Seen Dr. Boisvert for the 2nd time Nov 14/16
Signed my consent forms and was told that surgery would be mid-Jan /17( no date yet as they are waiting on new OR schedule for the new year)
So 2017 is going to be my year!! so excited, nervous,and incredibly thankfull( I could have hugged him, but he is not the hugging type! HEHE)
Referal- sleeve will be 21 months
hope this helps and gives hope to all those waiting...seems like forever but it really goes quick once you get that call..Good Luck!
I definitely am going to listen to Boisvert and see what he thinks. I'm probably just being stupid. A sleeve is probably a perfect solution for me. My wanting RNY is mostly around it having a higher average percent of weight loss, but it does come with a bucket of extra issues/risks.
Sidenote: You're super helpful and I really appreciate all your advice and info!
I love my sleeve, for me it was the best choice. If you don't want the sleeve you can try one of the other doctors (Bathurst or Moncton I think) Also, if you do go with the sleeve there is always an option for a revision down the road if you still want the RNY. In my research I learned that the sleeve was the first part of the RNY operation for super obese patients. They would sleeve them and have them lose weight over the course of a year, making it easier and safer for them to complete the RNY surgery a year later. The sleeve was born as it's own procedure when doctors discovered that patients were doing well with weight loss with just the initial procedure. So don't despair, if you still want RNY and DO go with the sleeve there is always options to revise later! Talk to Boisvert about it and see what he thinks is the best option for you.
okay, thanks for the info. I was hoping for RNY but I'll take whatever I can get at this point...
Mine started around 3 months out and lasted for about a month or so and then the new hair growth started showing, like you said, the new baby hair. Unfortunately, the hair loss happens regardless of what you take when trying to minimize it. I have thick coarse hair so it was fine with me, I ended up with 'normal' hair for the summer which was a nice change. My hair never did grow the way it did pre surgery. The thickness came back but I'm more then 3 years out and I still can't get any length on it. I can see the regrowth around my hair line and my ends are rarely trimmed, so it doesn't make sense. I'd be curious to hear from others who more then a year out. I'm starting the process of plastic / skin removal surgery next Monday and am expecting there to be another shock to my hair in a few months, as every major surgery brings this on. My hair dresser has said that when I'm all settled from the surgeries, we'll just put extensions in my hair and call it a day.
I'm glad the new products are helping you, it's great to hear what works for people.
Referral sent April 2004 / First Consult-Moncton June 2012 / Surgery - February 2013
5'6" / Pre-Op 355 lbs / Current Weight 185 lbs
I really appreciate this information. I'm weirdly super vain about my hair (maybe because no matter how overweight I have gotten my hair has always been a "beauty" point for me and something I could always come back to in order to feel pretty) and while I know there will be a ton of challenges post-op, the likelihood of hair loss after the surgery is one of the only things I truly dread.
Hair loss after weight loss surgery is real. I had read about it on other forums and had done my research on it, and started myself on 5000 mcg of Biotin about three months before surgery in hopes of keeping my hair. (You can purchase it at GNC)
The hair loss really started happening about 3 months after surgery, and at a rate that had me worried and stressed out about it. Showers were taking longer because I was always disentangling loose strands from my hands after washing my hair. Brushing became a chore because more hair would come out. I was starting to see some thinning happening at the top of my scalp so I panicked and took myself to a hair dresser and got about 8 inches cut off. My hair now sits almost at shoulder length and is healthier because #1 I don't have to use as much shampoo to wa**** and #2 it doesn't have the length it used to to pull on it while brushing. It was quite distressing for a while, and I had about two days of crying and being upset over it because not only was I still fat, but now I was going to be fat AND bald!
Now on top of (still) taking the Biotin I found a shampoo and conditioner and serum treatment that is helping. I found it at my local Jean Couteau store, it's their Pharmacie Jean Couteau PJC brand of shampoo and conditioner with both Biotin and Collagen in it. It is in a tall red bottle, and super cheap. I paid $2.88 for each product, the shampoo, conditioner, and serum. I ended up not liking the way the serum felt in my hair, so I've stopped using that. I've been using it about a month now and have noticed that the thinning spots I had before aren't as bad as they were, and there is some new regrowth happening as well. When I pull my hair back into a ponytail there are wild new baby hairs sticking up all over the place, makes me look like a newborn duck lol!!!
I am 6 months post op now, and while I am still losing hair it is not as much as it was before, by half. I know that hair loss is a concern for some of us, mostly women, so I just wanted to share my experience and tell you of a product that I think is making a difference for me. I do not work for either GNC or Jean Couteau, I'm just trying to be friendly and helpful :)
If I remember correctly he only performs the sleeve. That's what I got, it's what I wanted.