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haha Darn it. fingers crossed it comes by Tuesday afternoon! It will likely mean that both you & I are Liquid diet during Christmas. But it will be so worth it in the end. No worries about facebook. I actually prefer instagram myself. Tons of WLS inspiration on there and mainly just use facebook to keep in touch with my family that is out west.
Amazing results! I am so happy for you and all that have been on the life changing journey. I am so excited to be there too. I go for my all day session on Tuesday!
Nothing yet!!!
not so patient anymore
sorry about the facebook thing, I am one of those weird people who don't have facebook
got rid of it, 2 much drama
Any date yet? Lol I am praying to god that she has the schedule by Tuesday.
Oh gosh, nothing stupid about it! You want to be well informed about your choices and what would work best for you. For sure ask Dr. Boisvert what success he has seen with the sleeve, and ask about RNY as well. Also, do some research on your own. Search other forums, watch YouTube videos of people describing their experience and journeys with both surgeries, and read up on the surgical process of both.
Which ever surgery you do end up going for is still going to have to come with a new outlook, and a new mindset about food. Some days it's easy to stick with the plan. Other days it is still a bit of a mental battle. Good luck with your decision! Please let us know what happens.
I should be hearing from boisvert within the next few months, getting excited the year flew by :) Being pregnant helped with that LOL
That's awesome! Only 18 lbs to you! That didn't take you very long! Where did you get the patch md?
you are doing great! Keep up the great work! Look forward to your updates!
Haha God Love Erin. I have soooo not been patient either. I always end up emailing and asking for my next appointment date before she has the chance to call me lol I'd love to connect on facebook is you are up to it :)
No date yet:(
I called on Monday Erin said 1-2 weeks
not so patiently waiting
I see him December 6th to sign the papers!!! Did you get the "Big date" yet? I was soooo hoping to have it done in december but I dont see that happening.