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April 22 is the day I can't wait ,I am getting nervous.I don't like to go under .I feel like he##for days.I start my two week preoperative diet Tuesday.
Don't panic hun!! I only lost a couple of pounds before surgery... I was so upset too... AND when I got home after surgery I gained weight from all the fluids from the i.v.. So as long as you did what you were supposed to then don't worry... I was freakin too because I saw and heard of soooo many people losing 20-30 lbs on there liquid diet but im hear to tell you in the end it makes no difference because after surgery Im down just as much as the people that lost so much before hand .. Good luck and keep us posted.. Im excited for you and cant wait to hear how your feeling!!
they must do things different in Bathurst then In Moncton I had to go get weighted on my after my first week of the diet and have a test done to check if I had a illness that could make people sick in the ICU if they are older or have lung problems. I'm sure you did good and sometimes the scale at home is not as good as the one at the hospital so don't worry if you did what they wanted you'll be ok. It's the liver they want to shrink so it won't get damaged when they lift it up the liver to get to the stomach. So don't worry keep thinking positive and you can get threw this. We are so close to our goal and I can't wait for the day to come and the healing to begin to move on with a happy and healthier life.
So Ive been doing the whole boost and water diet for 13 days now, and i have been following it, just 4 boost and water (crystal light), i weighed myself the night before i started, and i just weighed myself again today and i dont think i have lost anything, has anyone else had this happen, and if so did they have any issues, about the surgery? My surgery is on Monday and im nervous enough as it is, i dont wanna have to stress about going and them refusing me or something, im feeling very overwhelmed.....
Hi Jen....made it back from Moncton and it is a lot to take in but very informative....if you want to add me...I wrote all of it down on my page with dates,and details.
on 4/3/14 12:01 pm
You need to make sure you get enough Protein in do get hair loss at minimum, it's very hard to do bc after surgery you need a lot & you can't "eat" very much it will take time to get there, I love to book "Weightloss surgery for Dummies" it is fabulous & helps give you tricks & advice.
on 4/3/14 11:50 am, edited 4/3/14 11:50 am
It gets better bigchris, your body will adjust & you will soon no go through food withdrawals :) try adding flavoring or coffee, also blender with ice & your shakes, I found the colder the better. Good luck
on 4/3/14 11:44 am
Congrats to you, it is a long journey but well worth the wait, it will be the best thing you could do for yourself, good luck see you on the 'loser' bench hahaha
on 4/3/14 11:25 am
Try using blender crushing ice making it together. Every doc's diet is different, can u add flavoring or any fruit? It will get easier