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Hello everyone, I got my date for my information session and just wondering if anyone is going to the June 3 session?
May I ask, Tookayo, where you had your surgery done? And how long you were on the list? Were you referred to Moncton? I'm experiencing some anxiety because I was referred locally and I'm hoping my doctor didn't make a mistake!
Hi. I've been lurking for a while, and figured I would introduce myself. I'm 34, I live in Fredericton, and have recently spoke with my general practitioner about being referred for weight loss surgery. I've been referred to Dr. Boisvert, in Fredericton, but I don't have any idea how long the wait list is or what the steps I'll have to go through are! Except for some of the information on this forum (which seems to be about a different doctor, mostly, so I'm not sure if it's NB policy or that doctor's policy), there is an absolute dearth of information about weight loss surgery in NB. Has anyone else been to this doctor, or had similar experiences? Or live in Fredericton? I hope I'm not posting in the wrong area, I notice most of these posts are about a clinic in Moncton. :)
It's nice to meet you all, and I'm glad that this forum exists. A lot of you have given me the courage to speak to my doctor about my weight, although I think I have a healthy fear of the five year wait too! I'm just so excited and impatient to get my life back that I hope it seems like time flies for all of us who are waiting. :)
The heartburn is totally normal.. I had awful pain and tightness on my side for no more than two weeks.. Definitely call the Dr.s office tomorrow.. Good luck and let us know what they say..
Thanks Chris I will call the Dr.tomorrow I would go to the hospital here but know one know about what to do in Fredericton.
Hi I replied to your message but I'll say if for anyone else from PEI who's interested , I'd love to meet again for coffee. Jillian.
"You're off to great places today is your day your mountain is waiting so get on your way.Oh the Places you'll go" Dr.Seuss
I went back and seen that you had your surgery three weeks ago I would call the doctor to make sure you don't have a leak I had pain in my shoulder a couple of weeks after my surgery and they check me to make sure better safe then sorry. Hope you feel better.
I had heart burn start about two to three weeks after my surgery I would go see the doctor or call the nurse to see what they recommend what to do how long has it been since your surgery?
The last few days I have not felt well I not sure what to do my chest and abs feel tight I have a lot of heartburn my stomach makes a lot of notice is this normal has other felt like this should I see the dr.
OKAY last one before the summer hits us hard...and we all get too busy to take the time to talk.....Someone who has some restrictions on their time ( evening work) should pick a day and time and we can all see how it goes......Lots of new people on the list now so they have lots of questions...cone out and talk for a few minutes....