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Wow....thanks for the heads up. I am having mine in the next couple of months. Am so nervous. Are you glad you did it?
I had my name in for both Dr. Savoie and Dr. Boisvert. I was referred to Dr. Savoie in March 2015 and a month or so later to Dr. Boisvert. I received my first call from Dr. Boisvert;s office in Nov 2016. I have had my consultation with him, and was told I was a good candidate for the surgery. He said it would be done in 2-3 months, that was May 10th. I would love to join your Facebook group as I am looking for tips to help with stages 3 , 4 and 5. I already did the two week trial of stage 3, but any help that I can get would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry, didn't reply because I wasn't referred to him and didn't know the least you got a call! Good luck again!
Thanks for giving me that heads up. Wow, that's still quite a wait huh! It is what it is, I guess. Yeah, I heard there was a second Doc with Beausoleil now too. Who knows, may speed it up. Thanks Cindy! :)
I'd say you're still looking at a good year to 18 months but things may have sped up. My sister had it done in the fall with the new doctor working with Dr. B, and she was about 18 months from consult to surgery. There will be steps along the way to break up the time though.
Congrats on your appointment, every call is exciting and a step closer to a new life.
Referral sent April 2004 / First Consult-Moncton June 2012 / Surgery - February 2013
5'6" / Pre-Op 355 lbs / Current Weight 185 lbs
Will do! How long do you think it takes from consult to surgery, if all goes well?
Will do! How long do you think it takes from consult to surgery, if all goes well?
What an inspirational and encouraging story! You have done SO WELL and are so positive! From someone still waiting, it is so nice to hear....keep up the great work and please keep us in the loop on your progress! Way to go!
OMG! I cannot believe it has been a year already! I have seen your whole progress and it has been fabulous! Good for you! I am very proud of you! I sure hope you still give us updates! Look forward to them! I am still waiting, don't think it will be too awful long now though. I expect to get a call in a few months. Hopefully my progress will be as half as great as yours! Welcome to your new life! If you do decide to get plastic surgery, please post all about it....I'm already very interested in it 'cause I know I will need it.
Keep doing great! Thanks again for sharing you story and progress....