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on 9/15/17 6:20 am
No clue about out of province referral but I would suggest you get your refferal sent everywhere. There is a clinic in Bathurst also and I believe in fredericton.
on 9/14/17 5:54 pm
My hardest was slowing down eating and eating out. Im so busy all the time it was pretty hard with that but I managed. When I had to I tried to make healthy choice. I never really drank during meals so had no issues with that.
What have you found the hardest to do with their "suggestions"? The no drinking during meals is by far the hardest...ouff.
How have you improved your eating habits? I dont see a change in clothing so im kinda stressed out.
on 9/14/17 12:55 pm
I met with the team on July 28th.
I don't know if I have lost weight yet because I do not own a scale. Scales have always been my nemesis, bought 1 in august and managed to break it within 2 days so I figured I wasn't meant to have one hehe. But I have felt a difference clothes and body wise. I feel less bloated that's for sure. Can't wait to see the scale at the appointment. Hopefully it moved.
Let me know how your visit went. It seems like not many people from Bathurst around here. :)
I meet the surgeon on the 29th in Bathurst...kinda nervous. How long has it been since you met with nurse/dietician/psychologist? Have you lost weight since then?
No idea which surgeon I am meeting of luck! :)
on 9/14/17 7:27 am
Hi Guys !
I'd like to hear about everyone mental state after the surgery ?
How are you guys copping ?
Hi there, I was just placed on the waiting list for Dr. Beausoleil in Moncton. When I called the receptionist she told me that they are currently working on 2011 referrals. I do not want to wait this long. Has anyone had any success with getting medicare to pay for a portion of surgery out of province? I was looking into a private clinic in ON but it is $19,000. WAY TOO MUCH $$ for me. Who has been here? Suggestions? thanks in advance.
on 9/13/17 12:05 pm
Waiting for appointment with the surgeon... 8 more days.. I am going Sept 21 and I'm very excited to have started this. How long after the surgeon appt ?
This will be my second appointment , first one was with the nurse, psych and dietetics. I am going to bathurst , I was told the doctor will be Dre. Rousselle.. Anyone had experience with her ?