What is the current wait time for Bathurst? On the list since April 2009
Does anyone know how the Bathurst clinic is doing for clearing the waitlist? Ive been on since April 2009, and was told a year ago they were working on March 2009...are they good about returning calls if you check in to see? I desperately want to start horsebackriding again, but cant with this belly in the way-center of gravity and balance are just way off-Im just losing patience waiting-diabetes has set in, joint issues, etc............Thanks.
Sorry I may not be the best one to post a reply for you seeing as I went through Moncton, but I do know that every time I called Moncton, they were VERY good at giving me a time-line. I was referred in 2007 and was sleeved May 2012, BUT I am "out of province" so they have 2 lists, so you might be very close...call and ask....the one thing I found out was it didn't pay to sit back and wait for them to call me..at least 3 different times I have called and the answer was.."Oh yeah, you are on my list of people to call..." Really ...when was that going to happen??? But I do know they are busy, so I sort of looked at it as I was helping her out...1 less person to have to call.....
Good luck and keep us all posted....

Thanks everyone for your posts....I did call the next day and was told they are still working on the Feb - March 2009 list and could not tell me anything more. If I were on crack and needed to go to rehab would I have to wait for years???? I was devastated and had to spend the day picking my lip off the floor,and had to get some horse hugging therapy to feel better - lol - So I am going to try to stay healthy and live happy and well until I get my call-I have about 200 pounds to drop, and have not had any lasting success in getting it off and keeping it off.
I did call NB Medicare a few years ago about going to another province, and was told medicare wont pay unless you get a doctor in NB to see and refer you. But you still have to wait years just to get the initial consult. AND if you go out of province, for a lap band, is a different sureon going to do your saline "tune-ups"?or follow ups, or consult for issues?
So, we wait. And post.