I am sleeved!
VSG on 02/23/12
VSG on 02/23/12
Yes, i've waited a while. This gave me.plenty of time to be ready. Yesterday as they wheeled me.in, I was anxious. Today there is pain, but.the staff manages it with ease. I get to go home om Monday. Yayyyyy!!!!
Amyone have questions, feel free to ask
Amyone have questions, feel free to ask

Awesome! I was wondering how you made out. I was so anxious to get out of the hospital. I was ready to leave on Saturday and it was agony to have to wait until Monday for the barium swallow test. One of the best tips I can give is to rest. I know that it sounds stupid but really take it easy and it will reap rewards in the end. I did walk around a bit but I also rested and I know that helped to speed up the recovery. Keep us posted on your progress.