What happens when you have a cold before surgery?
Just my luck that I have come down with a very sore throat and can't swallow. Not sure if will morph into a full blown cold or is an infection. I just want to have a cold and get over it. If I have an infection I fear that I may have to tak antibiotics and then have my surgery cancelled or something. I am praying for a cold. Only other thing is that I have to go to Bathurst on Tuesday for more blood tests - they are testing my CBC counts and stuff so if I am sick that will screw it all up. What luck do I have?
I started my liver fast diet and have been excellent following it. Only thing ismy throat and head is so achy that I had to pop Advil. Hope that does not screw anything up.
Has anyone experienced this before surgery?
I started my liver fast diet and have been excellent following it. Only thing ismy throat and head is so achy that I had to pop Advil. Hope that does not screw anything up.
Has anyone experienced this before surgery?
ColdFX is probably not going to help you much at this point
. Get plenty of rest and fluids and keep your fingers crossed. And 0 if surgery is cancelled because you are ill - it's for good reason. As heartbreaking as it will be - trust me - doing a general anaesthetic and major surgery on an already ill patient - NOT GOOD. You want to be in the best possible shape pre-op to get the best possible, trouble free recovery! Good luck!