
on 10/12/11 12:10 am - Canada
VSG on 05/17/12
so, my consult is friday, does anyone know or remember approx how long the first consult is? (just trying to plan for travelling)
on 10/12/11 10:39 am

Congrats on the first consult.  I had mine scheduled for 10:00 am and it was about noon before I was done.  You can expect to fill out some questionaire and paperwork with his lovely receptionist Giselle.  Then you will meet the Dietician Suzanne.  Suzanne is a darling as well.  She will talk to you about your current diet, take your height and weight and give you a brief tutorial on what to expect with a bariatric diet.  One thing she asked was if I drank pop.  I don't drink pop at all but she asked if I drank carbonated beverages and I admitted that I was addicted to Perrier water with lemon.  She told me up front that I needed to curb this because after surgery - Lapband or any of the surgeries I could no longer consume carbonated beverages of any kind.  I must say that I loved the consult because it was one of the first times in my life that I was not judged or preached to by medical staff.  They really make you feel like a human being they are trying to help and not some sort of evil fat freak. It was refreshing because I expected resistance and negativity and it was the opposite.  After I met with them they filled out some paperwork and left it in Dr. Savoie's box outside his door.  Then when he was finished with the patient before me they met with him and gave him my chart.  I was called in afterwards to meet with him.  He also took time to interview me and gain history etc... One thing you will notice is that they do not rush you and take their time with you and all the other patients.  They don't clock you on a timer.  I also was really astounded by how genuine Dr. Savoie was.  He looks you in the eye and is so frank and honest in a very positive way.  He has compassion and cares.  I immediately felt so compelled to put my health in his hands.  In my case I was thrown by the fact that he instantly told me that I was approved for bariatric surgery and aske me what surgery I considered. I had not really thought I would be a viable candidate and expected to be rejected.  He explained that in my case there were two types of surgery that would suit me - either Lapband or VSG.  He had chart/visuals and provided me with very detailed explainations on both surgeries and the pros and cons to consider.  He also asked if I had questions and I did and he did not seem annoyed at them.  He happily answered them.  Another crucial point that spoke volumes to me was that he did not push surgery on me.  He sensed that I had questions and wanted to know more to make an educated decision so he told me to go home and think about it and come to my own decision.  He encouraged me to call the office if anything came up in my mind while at home.  He recommened that I book another appointment in a month once I decided.  Knowing how many patients are waiting and how busy he is I really was impressed that he did not think of me as some piece of meat on the assembly line.    When I came back for my second consult I had some more questions and then I signed the consent form.  In closing I will also add that I asked him about when I should expect surgery in terms of date and the date he told me was bang on because I am tentatively booked for that date.  I had my pre-op tests last week (I in southern NB so they arranged tests at my local hospital) and I go early next month for my pre-admission clinic and more tests.  My surgery is scheduled for late Nov.  Even the OR staff are fanastic and so accomodating to me.  Please keep us posted and ask questions.  I  asked questions and God bless Carly and other forum users for patiently answering them for me.  If I can pay it forward and do the same for you or anyone I would be happy to. :) 

on 10/13/11 12:23 am - Canada
VSG on 05/17/12
this information is excellent thank you.  it is at least letting me know what i should expect tomorrow.  i am both soooo scared and excited by the whole thing.  i been waiting so long that i think im in shock lol.  its good you had questions and concerns for him.  im trying to think of questions to ask and im drawing a blank.  i know i should have some and hopefully they will come to me.
as long as they are patient and understanding, then its all you said, its different being treated with respect as it doesnt happen very often....with me anyway
ill let you know how it goes.
on 10/13/11 11:24 am

Believe me they are wonderful and you should not be nervous. It will all be well worth the long wait.  I know it is easier said than done to shun nervousness.  This is a big life event so naturally one would be nervous and have reservations.  Again, they explain things very well so any questions you may have will likely pop up.  It does not reflect badly on you if you don't have any initally.  I felt like a idiot because I was expecting to be rejected as a viable candidate so I was a bit of a blubbering fool.  He asked me what surgery I thought would suit me and initally I said Lapband because I had no idea of VSG as an option.  I did not even know what the Lapband was really, although I had some general idea. Just be honest with them about yourself and your history.  I was an open book.  I did not feel like I had to sugar coat anything.  I laid all my baggage out and it was not kicked back at me. They are not there to judge you just help you. One thing I will say in my case is that I have made some lifestyle changes on my own and I am committed to make more.  You will have to be prepared to undertake some changes in your life.  Surgery is not a magic bullet, you will need to work and adapt.  Surgery is a tool but it is up to us, the patient, to take the tool and utilize it to its potential.   

 They are just so different than other medical professionals I have experienced.  You are treated with respect and dignity and like you are a real person not some overweight repulsive scumbag most medical staff treat us like. There are no lectures or blame games. They understand the struggles their patients have had with weight loss and there is no shame in it.  They are there to help and that is what they want to do.  When you are in Dr. Savioe's office you will notice that he has a board of pictures with his patients and their notes to him.  It is very evident that they are all happy, healthy and indebted to him for their new lease on life.  Oh, another tidbit.... Dr. Savoie is a very attractive man.  I was told this before my appointment by another patient but I really did not take much heed.  I will say that I was a bit disarmed by how cute and young he was.  I felt like a blushing school girl with a crush and kept blubbering through our conversation like I had no brain in my head. I had a hard time looking him in the eye. It was pathetic honestly.  Even my husband commented on him being good looking.  You will find Dr. Savoie to be a confident man but not arrogrant. He knows his stuff and is very matter of fact and clear.  I liked his approach and manner.  I also had some trepidation about being in Bathurst and any language issues.  I can understand French (my mom is French) but my oral skills are very poor so I try not to speak it lest I insult Francophones by murdering their language.  I did not know what to expect in terms of language but they all speak fluent French and English and have no issues communicating in whatever language the patient feels most comfortable.  There is no language tension.

 You will sense real positivity in the waiting room and office.  There are post-op patients there and other new referrals such as yourself.  It is a small intimate office and everyone there is there for the same reason.  Look at this as being a new leaf on your life and a step towards health and happiness.  Good luck and take a deep breath.  Be yourself and true to yourself.  Keep us posted!!!!

on 10/13/11 12:07 pm - Canada
 How long did you have to wait from the time you were refered until the time you got your first consult?

I want to have VSG but I'm looking at going to Mexico as the wait times here have seemed to be so bloody long.

on 10/13/11 8:29 pm
For me it was several years.  My family Dr. wrote the referral and told me at the time that there was just one surgeon in the province and that the waiting lists were enormous and that none of her patients were called for a appointment. She made it sound to me like it was similar to adopting a child and you had to wait until something came up. I also had the impression that they only took really severe obese patients with numerous comorbidities.  I will say that I was very surprised when I received my letter to attend my first consult because honestly I forgot about it.  I would say for me it was 5 years.  I considered going to Toronto for surgery. I know someone who had hers done there with great results.

on 10/14/11 8:18 am - Canada
VSG on 05/17/12
well, for me it was several years also.  i was originally on dr beausoliel (my spelling not so good lol) list in moncton, but due to several reasons, i was flipped to dr savoie, my referal went in 2004 and had my first consult today.  but a few things happened alone the way and the wait usually is not that is a few years though.  it is right what you hear from here also, the folks there are sweethearts, answered any questions i had and then some.  they said they had to slow down a little and hadnt seen anyone new for a few weeks, so i was lucky to get in when i did.  they also mentioned that there is another dr that is willing to do surgery there but is running into government cuts and OR time, they would love to see 3-4 month turn around between consult and surgery, it used to realistically be 6-8 months and now its 10 months to a year...but if the new dr gets on board, it could be a lot quicker. i did sign my papers tho and the dr said the next time he sees me, he will be operating and he wrote out my perscription for the good ole boost    .  there is a 4 hour clinic/meeting sometime along the way, i can do pre-op in my city, so i will only need maybe one or two more trips before the surgery happens.  so, i have no idea when that will happen but hopeing next summer, man...long haul but at least im heading in the right direction
on 11/7/11 10:51 pm
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