26 viewed 1 responded

on 7/11/11 11:14 am - Fergus, Canada
 well hi again but this will be my last post!!! THANKS CARLY it means so much to me that you reached out in my CRY for HELP if you want to reach me please email me at [email protected] so its summer alot are not home i understand that but alot viewed but no one came to me! I guess im the rare one that hurts and crys and pace the floors everynight. Im so scare so fed up...........This is the last annd final post you will get from me. IM SORRY IF I HURT ANYONE I KNOW IM A ***** 99.9% OF THE TIME AGAIN IM SO SORRY AND GOODBYE AND GOODLUCK

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the  tears, and light for the way.

I prefer to live
my life, not  just merely exist.

"I am who I am, and I don't need to justify anything to anyone."

on 7/11/11 8:10 pm
Hi Think,

I am new to this website and I guess I have been very self absorbed in my own experience that I failed to recognize what you are going through. My deepest apologies for not replying back to you.  I sense that you are very frustrated and I understand that I really do.  When I had my jaw surgeries I went through the same thing. I felt isolated and got very depressed.  All of this increased because I also was dealing with physical pain. I felt like I was trapped in my body and in a place I could not escape. I could not go out, I looked hideous and funny, I could not communicate verbally because my jaws were wired shut, I could not eat anything, not could I even sleep or rest.  My nerves and anxiety were so bad that I also paced the floors. I thought I would go out of my mind. Going through what you have and also having a cancer scare do not even come close to my experience and I empathize. It is natural for you to feel hurt when people did not respond. I do not think that people did not respond intentionally it is just that there are not many folks on this forum now. I am responding now because this message really hit home with me and I was where you are now 2 years ago. I want to be your friend and I know that it may sound silly and cliche but believe me when I was at my lowest I know now there was a reason I had to go there.  Being at that point caused me to push up again and fight for myself. Something snapped in me then where I just came to the realization that only I can make things better for myself. Fortunately I did have support and I want to be that support for you as well. You sound to be a strong cookie and I want to see you rebound. Please do not stop posting. I really want to be your friend and help you.
Carly ~
on 7/11/11 11:07 pm
 Hey Denise,

I'm probably responsible for a lot of those views myself.   For whatever reason, OH doesn't realize it's the same person viewing the post, and I checked it often to see if you replied to my post.

It's summer, and the NB and NS board have very little posts on them.

Remember something okay?  I know.. this is your emotions talking --- but remember all the people that came to your aid when you had to do the two weeks liquid again?  And all the people that asked about you.. and how you were doing when your surgery was delayed, and rescheduled.   The people who tried to get you boost again, or protein shakes.. or something to help you out.  You had people wanting to visit you....   We all feel lonely sometimes, but you're not alone.  Maybe we're all not experiences the complications that you've had, but we're here for you just the same.

Those people are still here, and still care about you.   They just probably haven't logged on to see you're in need.    I know.. in my heart if they knew you were suffering, they'd want to help any way they could.

Don't leave here Denise..   Sometimes it's the support we need at just the right time.  I for one.. would really miss you.

No one is hurt by you.  No one thinks you're a *****  

You had such a rough go of your surgery.   Stay on here to share whenever you're ready.  Learning about your journey will help other people too Denise.   

on 7/12/11 5:02 am - Canada
VSG on 05/17/12
hi there, i was one of the "viewers". and i apologize for not responding.  i dont have a computer at home and my time at work is limited that i can use one. 
i have only been here a short time and i dont know anyone. but i try to respond to entries when i can.
we are all here for the same reason and we can all band together when someone needs a friend.

i wouldnt leave here especially since we can be a sounding board for encouragement and advice for each other.  i think carly is right, there are alot of people away on vacations and such and prob dont get a chance to see the post.  but we are here and i will try to help out as best as i can.  i havent had surgery yet but have been waiting like forever...but im here none-the-less

(deactivated member)
on 7/12/11 10:27 am - Canada
I too read your post and didnt respond because I thought the person whom had responded had said my views too. But of course you have no way of knowing that. I regret the hard time you have had, but am reminded of the old saying " when the times get tough, the tough get going" . Your anger is not going to accomplish anything but to feed the negative feelings you have. Instead use that anger and turn it into resolve and determination to change the things you can, and accept and find peace with what you cannot. I dont want to sound preachy, but only in your own self can you find the strength to reach your goals. Forget and let go of the past, its gone, reach out to tommorrow and believe that things will finally be going your way / I wish you all the best and please continue to post here, if only as a stress reducer. There are people here rooting for you and though we are faceless and often voiceless, know that we Are here, thinking and praying for your sucess.
on 7/15/11 3:08 am - New Maryland, Canada
I have not been here for weeks....I haven't even read your post yet. I just caution you to not throw the baby out with the bath water here. One doesn't always get the support one wishes to, but some support is better than none. Sometimes people are just not in a good place emotionally to respond.
The changes that WLS imposes new eating  routines,. but it doesn't change the reason (at least for most of us) that we got obese in the first place. In NB we are not well supported to develop new coping strategies nor are we supported through the emotional fall out of this major change in our lives. I don't know if I am addressing any of your issues, but if you are normal (& I am sure you are), you are on an emotional roller coaster- not just from not having food to help you cope, but also because of the surge in hormones that the fat you are losing is releasing. When I am losing I have mood swings and hot flashes & all the Peri-menopause symptoms. You are the only one who can judge if any of this applies to you. You can't change the hormones, but you can address the coping vacuum. besides I find it helps just knowing I am not going crazy.
If being angry at everyone here helps- go for it. But I doubt we are really the cause of your anger, we are probably just the outlet.  This weight loss stuff is tough & you can use all the friends you can get.
Now I will go read your post & probably have to delete all this!


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