In the surgery queue

on 7/10/11 5:19 am
Hi All:

I went to my 2nd appointment with Dr. Savoie on Friday.  I signed the consent form and am now in the surgery queue, which I understand is very,very long (pages long in fact).  They could not even give me an idea on when I should expect surgery.  Apparently there are a number of variables that determine what patients get done and when. They explained that is not necessarily determined by who is first on the list or not. They said that each patient is assessed not only by the surgeon but by the OR and there are a number of variables that come into play. Next step is the pre-op workup of bloods, etc... I will be called about a month before the surgery with my date.

 Right now they are booked for surgeries until the Fall so earliest I could expect would be late Fall or even next year.  I am just greatful to be able to have the surgery so I am not complaining. I am just hoping and praying that Medicare will continue to cover this. All in all I am pleased that this is happening so quickly for me really.  By the looks of his waiting room there are loads of other patients *****quire surgery as well.

My next focus is to continue to work on weight loss and improve my health and fitness on my own. I want to be in the best shape I can be in going into surgery so I can get the best results and recovery quickly. They did tell me that I will have to go on a liver shrinking diet of either Boost or some other products which I will have to order and take 2 weeks before surgery.   Has anyone had any experience with this diet and the products.  I hate Boost so I am opting for the other.

Carly ~
on 7/10/11 11:16 am, edited 7/10/11 11:16 am
 Hi Run, 
Congrats on your clearance for surgery!
My 2nd consult was October 2010, my surgery was late June 2011 -- that might be around the same timeframe that you're looking at -- but it seems that they're not booking that far in advance any longer.   It seems like they've caught up some in the surgery queue.
Dr. Savoie does two WLS a week, on Thursdays only.  Usually one sleeve, one band each Thursday.  That's why the list takes awhile to go through : )

I had to go on Diabetic Boost, Crystal Light and water for two weeks prior to surgery.   The only Diabetic Boost I could stomach was vanilla, and the occasional bottle of chocolate.  I really didn't mind them pre-op, but since my surgery -- I can't stomach the smell of them and fight my way through one every morning.

Time goes by so fast, I'm glad to know you have the green light for surgery, and everything has been set in motion.
All the best to you!
on 7/10/11 12:24 pm
Thanks for the reply Carly!  I was hoping to hear from you. I have been wondering how you have been doing and how you are feeling. Are things improving and are you feeling better each day?

 I hope you do not mind my asking questions because I have lots.  I was also told that I would not have to see Dr. Savoie again until the day of surgery but they also told me that I would have to go for an interview with their team?  I have no idea what that means or entails. 

This whole experience has been really surreal for me.  Did they call you before your surgery to tell you when to start on the liver reducing diet? So your surgery was on a Thursday, did you have to go and be admitted Wednesday or just show up on Thursday morning? Did they release you on Sunday? I live 4 hours away in southern NB so this is a whole day travel for me. I really wish I would know my date because knowing only a month beforehand really will be tough to coordinate with my work schedule.  I spoke with my employer already but they do not see this as manditory, life or death surgery and I have to use my vacation for the surgery and recovery. I guess I will have to save all my vacation days this year just in case I get called this year or use them next year. I had other surgeries and was told an exact date. After they explained the process they undertake I can understand why they have to do it this way.  Again, I am very greatful to be able to be a candidate when I know so many other souls have been waiting much longer than I.  

The reaction from the very few people I have told has not been positive actually. This is upsetting to me because I really do not think people know what it is like to be overweight your entire life and struggle with it. They just think that you should not eat anything ever and you have no willpower.  I can't even begin to tell you the hurtful and ignorant things people have said to me. People have told me that surgery is a cop out and that I really should try harder to do it on my own and why should Medicare pay for it. Did you experience this negativity?

Charline M.
on 7/11/11 6:10 am
VSG on 02/23/12
It's really annoying when people think this is the easy way out.  And to say that Medicare shouldn't cover is absurd.  Medicare provides for alcoholics, drug abusers and for all the cancer treatments brought on by smoking.  I usually reply that when Medicare stops paying for ALL addictions then I will agree to include weight loss surgery.

Most "healthy weight" people don't realize that people who have an addiction to food are worse off than any of the people I mentioned with addictions.  After all, if you stay away from alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, you can manage your addictions.  How the hell are we supposed to stay away from food?  It's required to live, and that makes it the most cruel of addictions in my opinion.  Would we say to a heroin addict "well, you'll be fine if you just take one needle full each day cuz you need it to live".

It's absurd. 

Don't fret with people being supportive, you're not living your life for them.  You want a better you and nobody has the right to take that away from you.

My in-laws would never agree to this either and I haven't told them.  I want to be able to live and do things with my kids and see them grow up and grow old with my husband so screw anyone who decides to judge my only option at a normal life. 

The next time someone says that Medicare shouldn't pay for this surgery, it would be interesting to see what they would say to "really, so then we should stop lung cancer treatments, drug overdose treatments and rehabs for addicts like myself who is addicted to food?"

People are so ignorant sometimes it simply amazes me. 

I've signed my consent with Dr. Savoie two months ago and am waiting for the call for my pre-op tests.  I'll keep you posted. It might give you a better time frame. 

Congratulations on doing what you need to do for YOU!  Don't let anyone bring you down.
~Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.~        
Carly ~
on 7/11/11 10:03 am, edited 7/11/11 10:04 am
I'm 18 days post op, and the only issue I have -- is a lot of pain on my left side where the work was all done.  I felt great after about Day 13, but had a few days with sneezing -- and my family doctor said I probably tore a muscle.   So that's the cause of the pain.  

Ask as many questions as you would like.   I really don't mind.  The meeting with the team, is a psychologist, nutritionist, clinical nurse, maybe the surgeon and anesthesiologist.   I think it's like a group information session, then you meet with them.  That appointment is a whole day event.   Mine was canceled because the whole team could not be present.

You will see the anesthesiologist and Dr. Savoie the morning of your surgery for a few minutes.  They are informative, but very serious and down to business.. in the zone : )

Don't worry about it being surreal.. Run -- it's still totally surreal for me.  I keep dreaming that I didn't have it done and I'll always be fat.  
Surgery was on a Thursday, released on Sunday.  Dr. Savoie or another surgeon on call comes and sees you every day there.  The staff are amazing and take really good care of you.
I was 5 hours away too, so I went the night before.  They have this thing close to the hospital, (Almost on the hospital grounds.. called the Pavilion.)  They let people awaiting surgery stay there for $10.00 a night.  There are two single beds and a shower in the room.
It's on a first come first served basis, but I arrived really late, and managed to get the last room.  On your arrival, you check in for the key to the Pavilion and pay at the registration department.  When you're there for the group session, or your meeting, you can inquire about that.
You can have most of your pre-op testing done at the hospital closest to you.  I'm not sure if you considered that... but the pre-admin department will work with you and book wherever you'd like.

Your employer is wrong.  It is medical leave, and you shouldn't have to use your vacation.  I would dispute that if I were you. 

I have told everyone who asks, so most people in my life know.  There is no one that I'm keeping it from.   People who are not supportive of you in your decision are not really true friends.  If it is friends or family, keep your distance... do some Spring cleaning early, and slowly remove them from your life.   I had to do that with a few family members.

I had a close friend call often, increasing in frequency closer to my surgery date.  She cried, told me not to have it done, she had a bad feeling, blah blah blah.. didn't want to lose me... what about my son.   I stopped taking her calls for the last couple of weeks prior to surgery.   Her gut feelings were completely opposite of mine.  I had an over-whelming sense of calm.. like I was doing what needed to be done.. and my life was going exactly where it needed to be.  I knew I was on the right path.  Another friend thinks that sense of calm came from a Higher Power.  I don't know where it came from, but I'm glad I had it.

Most people I have in my life now that I'm almost 40... are truly good people with kind souls.  Sometimes, some of the criticisms come from worrying and loving you too much -- sometimes they come from a dark place.   Some people.. don't like their friends to overcome their adversity because it leaves them wallowing in their own.   Only you can decide what you think is causing it.  If they are just oozing negativity, then just slowly distance yourself from them.  

You'll do fabulously!   Don't worry -- everything will work out just fine.  
And when you need to vent to like-minded people, you can always come here = )

on 7/11/11 11:02 am
You gals are awesome!!!! I really appreciate the feedback and this site.  For the first time in my life I am really sure of something that I have always yearned for and obtaining it is scary to me because it is the unknown. I have never been thin.  I was an overweight child.   Since losing 100lbs I have had a taste of how superficial many people are. If anything being overweight has caused me to be an excellent judge of character and to glean out the true blue people from the fair weather friends.  Fortunately my husband is not one of those people and he loves me for me not what I look like. He has stood by me at my worst and I want him with me when I am at my best and healthiest. I want to grow old with him and be healthy enough for us to travel and be active.  People who have never been overweight just do not understand what it is like to be trapped in the obesity trap. I have been trapped here since I was a child and on so many diets that I can't remember them all.  People will say what they will say and I think whatever... I have lived long enough to know that everyone has their own demons and no one is perfect, especially the ones who put on airs and pontificate from on high. These are the same people who critique everything I eat and sit back and snicker that they knew I would gain weight back when their own lives are some crazy psycho soap opera.  I had someone tell me that I will always be fat so I really should learn to accept myself and that everyone they know who had bariatric surgery gained the weight back. Another person told me that I will still have an unsightly body and if I considered if having post weight loss sagging elephant skin would be better than what I look like now. My own mother expressed her concern about my looking too thin and gaunt like many people who lose lots of weight.  I really do not care... I am more ashamed that I let myself get so caught in the cycle that I let my weight get to where it did and the damage I may have done to myself. I have a dear friend who is very ill and I look at her and think "gee I abused my body and she did not and here she is suffering and housebound".  I think of her when I run and also throughout this process and feel blessed that I am given an opportunity and I should take advantage of it and every healthy day I have been given. 

Good to hear that you are on the mend. I asked Dr. Savoie about the pain you are experiencing and he said it is because of a nerve which gets damaged during surgery.  I have had alot of very painful surgery (jaws and oral surgery) in recent years so I am not as worried about the pain.  I am not trying to sound all tough but after jaw surgery this should be OK in comparison to that agony.  I had my gallbladder out surgically so I know what to expect with abdominal pain. I asked the Dr. if I work hard on my abs to tighten up before surgery if this will help and he said it would not have any effect.  I hope that you heal soon and begin to feel better. 

QUESTION # 1 - Team Meeting

So the surgeon told me that I would not see him again until the day of surgery so when did you meet with this team? Pre surgery or post surgery?

QUESTION # 2 - Pre Op Testing

So how long did you have to wait after you signed the consent forms until they booked your pre-op tests?  What tests did they conduct? What should I expect?  How long were the tests?  Will I need to take time off work for them?

QUESTION # 3 - How long between Pre-Op tests and Surgery?

QUESTION # 4 - How did you cope with not drinking 30 minutes before a meal and 30 mins after?  The dietician told me I should work on not drinking when I eat and I will tell you that this will be one of my biggest challenges.  I have started to try but gee**** is hard.

QUESTION # 5 - How many visits to Bathurst can I expect to make between now and then and thereafter? 

QUESTION # 6 - What about the scars? Are they nasty looking? Did you bruise?

Thanks.... you long winded run friend.... :)
Carly ~
on 7/11/11 11:01 pm

You're so right about people being superficial.  It seems like obesity is the only remaining issue that people can discriminate against.   If you look at stats, you'll see -- not only friends and family are harsh -- but the world is.  You don't get the same help when you need it, worse service, worse health care, and people can be really cruel.  I don't know what makes people think it's okay.  
This man I have known for years, posted on Facebook -- a link to an article regarding obesity.   One of his friends commented... "Really?  Just put the doritos down and walk away."  It's like any addiction though, there are so many people with zero tolerance for other people's struggles.  I have experienced that in my own family with other issues.  So after being crushed emotionally by some family members, I chose to do some spring cleaning so they can't effect my life or tell me all the things I'm doing wrong anymore.
I'm happy to hear that you are not going on this journey alone.  I'm glad you have the support of your husband and his love doesn't change for you. 

The team meeting will be before surgery.  It may not be with Dr. Savoie, but it's with the team of people I mentioned before.   Mine was cancelled because not all of the team were available.  

The pre-op testing can be done at your local hospital.  It was a swab for VRE and MRSA, a pulmonary test, ABG, blood work, ECG and chest Xray.   I had mine done at the Moncton hospital, and they were very fast.  All of that was done within 2.5 hours, each at their own clinic.

Pre-op is usually done within a month prior to the surgery date because the tests need to be recent.  Then there is pre-admin testing for surgery that is done two weeks before surgery.  Just bloodwork and swabs.  

Not drinking with meals, is still something I find the hardest to do.  Sometimes I need to take a little sip, but just enough to wet my mouth.   I find it hard to drink before a meal, because I feel nauseous drinking on an empty stomach.    It would definitely be to your advantage to try to curb that now as much as possible.

I'm estimating -- two trips to Bathurst before.  One for your meeting, one for your pre-admin operation work, if you have the other tests done at another hospital closer to you.  Afterwards, I'm not exactly sure of the dates -- but I go for my first post-op check up at the 6 weeks mark.
I think they said -- 6 weeks, 3 mos, 6 mos, 1 year? -- I'm not exactly sure.

I have keloid scarring, but all in all, the incisions are very small and look fine.  I do have a lot of bruising, but that's moreso the lower part of my stomach where they injected the heparin.  No more bruising on my stomach where the operation was.

= )   Hope that helps!
on 7/12/11 7:09 am
Carly you are a gem! Thanks for putting up with my incessant questions.  I am researching this myself but since you had the same Dr. it is great to hear from someone who has gone though it with him. 

QUESTION - Heparin

Dr. Savoie mentioned that I would have to go in it prior to surgery and after to help avoid blood clots. Can you elaborate?

QUESTION - Any other surprises I should be prepared for?

How are you doing today? How are you find consuming nutrition? Are you OK and feeling fine? I hope that you are resting and getting better each day.
Carly ~
on 7/15/11 11:31 am, edited 7/15/11 11:34 am
I was given Heparin injections in my belly the few days I was in hospital.  That's all I had of that.

There were no surprises I can think of that you need to be prepared for.

I'm doing really well.  I was 3 weeks out yesterday, and feel like I'm almost 100%.  I get a bit stiff sometimes in my rib area... but zero pain the last few days at least.

I'm finding it hard to drink, and I'm not up to the amount of protein we're supposed to have yet.  I can't stomach the diabetic boost shakes any longer.  They make me literally gag.   I'm getting my protein with eggs, fish, chicken, milk, yogurt, cheese.    I'm really trying to mush stuff up, I can't really stomach pureed, but it's close just by being mashed/flaked really finely.  That is not at their recommendation, but it's all I can stomach.  I have always eaten really, really slowly -- and overchew my food.  So being extra cautious now, with softer foods -- its really almost pureed.

Yogurt is a staple for me.  The only fruit I've tried are bananas mashed.  I bought a watermelon, so I'll try that soon.   I have no issues with milk or water.   Sometimes Crystal Light or water makes my stomach a bit nauseous, but it passes if I fight through it.

I'll try to give you a quick list of some foods I have tried with no problem:
Oatmeal -- but it sits heavy, and can't eat much more than a few tablespoons of it, if that.
Yogurt, skim milk, chocolate milk, mild/medium cheddar and mozzarella cheese, frozen yogurt.
Low fat mayo, margarine, light sour cream, barbeque sauce and salsa.
Bananas, SF applesauce
egg salad, scrambled eggs
Haddock, tuna
Chicken breast, turkey breast
Soft meatballs made from ground beef, but really really moist.
Carrots, turnip, small mini red potatoes, green/yellow string beans, onions -- all cooked and mashed.
Tomato soup from a can
Homemade pea soup
Homemade stew 
Wendy's chili

For a treat -- I have had a pudding, and didn't care for it.  I have had a few SF fudgesticks.

I don't really have any sweet cravings any more.   It sounds really blah now that I've typed out what I've been eating, but it tastes like heaven!  But I'm only introducing one new food a day.

I'm trying my best.  I've never focused on eating healthy, so I'm sure some hard-core people might  tear my menu apart -- but I'm trying my best.   I know I'm falling short on protein, but I think I'm still early enough out that I should be focusing on working up to 60 g.  I don't think this early out they expect us to hit that mark yet.  I'm not sure.   I also have a hard time with liquids, but try my best.

Hope this helps answer your questions.  

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