Went for my consultation with Dr. Savoie
I had my appointment last Friday. This was my first consult. My referral was sent in December of 2008 just for a timeframe.
Everyone is extremely nice. The nurse took my height and weight and then asked me some questions on my family's eating habits. Then I waited a few more minutes and went in with Dr. Savoie.
He's an extremely nice man. He went through all the surgeries and we discussed what would be better for me. He explained the procedure, pre-op requirements, post-op requirements (just a few, there are more but he said we'll go into those more in-depth at another time) and he answered my questions.
Now I wait some more. Apparently the surgeries are booked up into July/August so I'm not holding my breath for that. I am holding my breath that the surgeries aren't cut. As all the waiters here, this is too important for them to just cut. So I'm keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else I can cross, crossed.
I'll post more once I know more. :)
So what happens now?
How many more appointments do you have before your surgery?
Did he make any suggestions as to what he would like you to do to prepare for surgery?
I hope that all will go well for you.

Thanks for the words of encouragement gang! I really appreciate it!
To answer a few questions....
Dr. Savoie just told me that when it's gets to the two week fasting for my surgery I have to have some diabetic boost on hand. I believe it's 4 per day for the two weeks. It's to shrink the liver as most of you know.
The VSG is now done laporascopically...or however that is spelled...so it's not open anymore.
Since they have surgeries booked until July, I'm assuming that I won't get done until Fall...if that..I'm kinda keeping my fingers crossed to have it before Christmas. If they aren't cut by the government that is.
He does have a plan to offer the DS in the future...just not as one surgery. He said that he will most likely do it in two steps...but he is years away from that.
So....now I wait. Believe me, as soon as I find out a date...you guys will be some of the first to know...
Talk to you later!!! I'm off to bed since I have client day at school tomorrow...5 pedicures will have me worn out by 10pm for sure.... :)