
on 5/11/11 8:59 am - Riverview, Canada
 Okay so I called Dr. Beausoleil's secretary last week and had a nice chat with her.  I asked her if a special form referral was needed from her office or not (Nope).  So she said just need a doc referral.  I said well how long does it take to go in with just a quick referral from my doc (she says up to 11 years).  My jaw dropped.  So when you guys sent in your referrals to them, how does he know how bad your comorbidities are to assign you in the list appropriately???


Mary C.
on 5/12/11 12:52 am - Glovertown, Canada
My referral was sent in June 2005. It did outline my co-morbidity's - although not in great detail. I also sent a long detailed letter about myself and why I wanted surgery and how I could benefit from surgery. I have no idea if anyone ever read it - or if it was just put in my file. I had my surgery in April 2008. Things have changed so much since then with the whole process. My time line probably does not happen anymore. But - I did want to reply to your post. Good Luck!

on 5/12/11 11:25 am - Riverview, Canada
 Thanks so much for your response it means a lot.   Whether that's the way they do it now or not, I like your idea.  It's a smart way to introduce yourself other than you name written on a prescription pad etc....  All the best!
on 5/12/11 12:15 pm - Fergus, Canada
Hi. I was on the waiting list with Dr. Beausoleil for close to 6 years. My aunt's friend just got a call last week she only waited 5 years. Surprising it is 11 years now. I hope it doesn't take so long for you! Dr. Beausoleil is a god sent. Praying he doesn't leave NB. Best of luck!
Take care cause we care


God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the  tears, and light for the way.

I prefer to live
my life, not  just merely exist.

"I am who I am, and I don't need to justify anything to anyone."

on 5/12/11 1:49 pm - Riverview, Canada
 Hey there.  Thanks for your reply.  

All in all, anything over 2 years is perfectly unacceptable.  Looks like I'll be paying for it then and going to Toronto or somewhere.  I refuse to wait that long.  I'll probably be dead if I wait anyway so I have to get financing then.  Oh well.  I guess it will be like buying another car.  lol  

Thanks for your message :)
on 5/13/11 12:15 am
if you are willing to pay there is a doc in montreal that does it and can be done in less then 6 months.
on 5/13/11 5:07 am - Riverview, Canada
 Yeah it's Dr. Christou.  I've already been in contact.  It's $23,000 and they can operate within an 8 week timeframe.  

on 5/13/11 6:21 am - Fergus, Canada
Hi again! Wow thats alot! I wish you all the luck in the world with your surgery!! I keep looking at your picture and you look so small! Anyhow, when I got my surgery done last Sept. I almost died twice once in surgery and once a few days later when I left the hospital.
Good luck!
We all deserve this second chance in life!
take care cause we care


God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the  tears, and light for the way.

I prefer to live
my life, not  just merely exist.

"I am who I am, and I don't need to justify anything to anyone."

Carly ~
on 5/15/11 11:04 pm
 Wow Denise!  Glad to see you feeling better and back posting again girlie!
I tried to email you a few times on your private email, but came back undeliverable.
Woohoo!  You've lost almost 1/2 your weight!    I'm so proud of you!
on 5/16/11 10:54 am - Fergus, Canada
Hey girl! How are you doing? Been a long time! Too long! Thanks. It's been a long road but SOO worth it. My family has been a great support for me! If you still have me old email just add a b after my husbands name and same after my name. Talk soon girl!
Take care cause we care


God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the  tears, and light for the way.

I prefer to live
my life, not  just merely exist.

"I am who I am, and I don't need to justify anything to anyone."

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