Welcome Back Denise!
I'm so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I really wanted to come to see you but I was in the hospital for a few days about 3 weeks ago with a inflammed small bowel...nobody seems to know what caused it. While I was there they did some tests on me for a virus called MRSA because I had surgery out of province and of course I am a carrier. I didnt dare come see you with this. I started more antibiotics yesterday for it and this whole cleansing-washing routine. I feel very sick from the meds but am pushing through. I can't wait until we are both feelingt better so we can have a visit. I know this has been a really rough time for you but you won't regret it once you start feeling better. This will change your life...for the better! Focus on the big prize! 30 lbs is awesome even if it is because of the IV...we'll take what we can get! Hang in there my new friend! You are a strong woman and will overcome this obstacle with flying colors!
Take care of yourself
talk soon
Take care of yourself
talk soon