Hi everyone!!

As for myself I feel OK I guess still some pain and my acid reflux is so bad,it never really hurt this much in my life. Nothing seems to help. Craig thinks maybe its my pain meds that I'm on. They got me on hydromorphone. In the surgery room Dr.B had a little accident well OK a Big one. HE CUT THE SLEEVE! He had to start all over. This had never happen before and lucky for me as he told Craig after surgery he had jus****ched a video on how to repair the cut if it ever happened. He doubled the stitch to make sure it would hold. I got out 2 days later got home and roughly 20 mins after I was home,I got a fever of 103.3 so back to the hospital we went. I remember leaving here and getting in the emergency freaking out and I ask the nurse to call Dr.B they did he was leaving for a week he was just at his car turned back and put everything on hold for me. Now thats what you call a GREAT doctor!!! I remembered seeing him putting his coat at the nurses station and then nothing. I lost 2 days because of my fever. I had to drink something that was sweet tasting 32 oz in 15 mins. Dr.B wanting me to drink it so he could do an emerg. CT Scan. He was looking to see if there was leakage. Turned out his stitches were perfect,no leakage thank god!
Craig told me before I went in for the scan I was with him in the hall and i was begging him to tell Dr.B to put my stomach back in me,I told Craig you know he could do it that it isn't hard LOL After the scan Dr.B was ranning down the hall yelling at Craig that he had great news about the scan. That everything was good. I am so happy that it's over and done with. I must admit sometimes I wish I didn't get it done but that isn't how I really feel. I'm sure everyone or most of you thought the same as me once or twice and cried about it as well. I'm sure some of you found it hard to be around others that are eating.On Wednesday I start on puree can't wait. I just hope the pain goes away soon and the acid reflux stops my nexium isn't doing anything right now. I go to see my family doctor on the 14th and I will ask for the dose to go up.
I got back home on Tuesday and happy to be back. The cause of the fever was I had dry blood inside and there was nothing Dr.B could do about it but he put me on antibiotics. Also my hemoglobin was very low at 71 as of Friday it went up to 91. I was so happy it went up because if it didn't a doctor filling in for Dr.B he was righty to put me back in the hosptial.
Well its getting late time for bed.
Take care cause we care


SO glad Br. B. was able to be there and take care of you Denise. And also that you are now home and recovering. A Hgb of 71 is enought to make ANYONE feel like death - let alone someone who has recently had major surgery and everything else that has gone a long with that. At least you are home with your family and frinds this weekend - the turkey - can wait. A bit of Turkey will taste good to you this Christmas. Hope the reflux settles for you - there are lots of different meds out there. And Maybe your hubby is right - the hyromorphone may not be helping. Take care Denise and keep us posted! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Hello everyone,
After reading almost all of you i decided to join in. I am really excited i have my surgery for the band on october 29 with Dr. Patrick Yau of Toronto. I am so glad that i have people to talk to about what i am feeling and all. I have been trying to conceive for about 10 years, i have been on a lot of hormones (injections, creams, suppositories....) and gain a lot of weight that i can't loose. I have tried every possible diet but gained it all back. After 2 in vitro, a surrogate and a miscarriage i decided to take care of myself and put fertility problem on the shelf. Since i am working in the public eye i decided for now not to tell anyone, i was really surprise to know that i am not the only one in New B (lol) to have the surgery....can't wait to hear from your experience!
After reading almost all of you i decided to join in. I am really excited i have my surgery for the band on october 29 with Dr. Patrick Yau of Toronto. I am so glad that i have people to talk to about what i am feeling and all. I have been trying to conceive for about 10 years, i have been on a lot of hormones (injections, creams, suppositories....) and gain a lot of weight that i can't loose. I have tried every possible diet but gained it all back. After 2 in vitro, a surrogate and a miscarriage i decided to take care of myself and put fertility problem on the shelf. Since i am working in the public eye i decided for now not to tell anyone, i was really surprise to know that i am not the only one in New B (lol) to have the surgery....can't wait to hear from your experience!
Denise it is so good to hear from you. You have had quite the experience for sure. We are happy you are on the mend and I hope the acid thing clears up for you soon and sounds very uncomfortable and painful. I hope once you get healed and mended that you will be very excited to have your sleeve and that it changes your life for the better. Thinking fond thoughts of you, Trish