Yahoo for Denise!
I just want to extend my best wishes to my new dear friend Denise with her upcoming surgery on deserve this girl and we are all pulling for you!
I can't wait until you can get out of that wheelchair and do your own happy dance! I really want to come see you soon. I work 10-630 this week but maybe on the weekend if you are up to it...if Beth is going up I'll go with her but if she is working, I'll bring my hubby with me.....we'll see how you are feeling. Thinking of you girlie!


Take care cause we care


Wishing you all the best for tomorrow Denise. I hope you have a smooth surgery and a quick and uneventful recovery. I still get excited for other people who are having the surgery - because I remember how excited I was. I went under anaesthetic with a smile on my face because I was so happy to finally get the chance to be healthier and happier. Try to have someone update us here tomorrow so we will know how you are doing! Take good care!