2nd day of meditrim

Take care all

Hey Denise,
I never was on Meditrim so I don't know what it tastes like. I started making myself a super healthy protein smoothie in the morning, that I have to say, tasted pretty bad the 1st time. Knowing the health benefits of its content however, helped me to stick with it. Now, I don't mind it at all.
Keep your focus on why you are doing this, and not on the taste. I know this is easier said than done, but you can do this. Mind over matter is what this is; actually, you can even approach this phase as a cleansing of sorts.
Sounds like you have a good support system; that's good. Good luck with the remainder of this stage.
I never was on Meditrim so I don't know what it tastes like. I started making myself a super healthy protein smoothie in the morning, that I have to say, tasted pretty bad the 1st time. Knowing the health benefits of its content however, helped me to stick with it. Now, I don't mind it at all.
Keep your focus on why you are doing this, and not on the taste. I know this is easier said than done, but you can do this. Mind over matter is what this is; actually, you can even approach this phase as a cleansing of sorts.
Sounds like you have a good support system; that's good. Good luck with the remainder of this stage.
Hey Denise sorry to hear about your fall and the shakes being gross. I know we are not supposed to be having caffeine but I heard adding decaf coffee to the shakes makes them taste like mocha with the choc and coffee with the vanilla. The Walmart in Presque Isle offers sugar free flavors (hazelnut, vanilla and caramel) They are syrups to add to coffee or shakes but have no added sugar and very low calorie. I am excited to try them as well once I start my two weeks. The main concern I believe is that we don't add fat, carbs or calories so just some ideas. Hope everything gets better and remember lots of us who are waiting would love to be starting our two weeks so keep your chin up. Hugs Trish

Honestly if this can get me out of my chair and let me walk again lose the weight be healthy then I'm golden!!
Good luck Trish keep me posted on how you are doing!

thanks again!
Take care cause we care


The liquid diet was the hardest for me and I went into a mini depression. I would come on this board and complain. It was a very hard and looooooooooooooooooooongest two weeks of my life. I was not on meditrim but on diabetic boost and the taste was awful. Vanilla grosses me out so I stayed on the chocolate the entire time.
In the grand scheme of things, 2 weeks is nothing. Now I look back and laugh but back then I would cry, cry and cry. Some days I wanted to cancel the surgery and just stop at a fried food joint, that's how crazy I was but I kept my eyes on the prize and survived it.
Bottom line, this is so you survive your surgery. Having an enlarged liver during the procedure is very dangerous and any experienced surgeon will close you back up and not even move forward as it could put you in a compromised position if they did.
It's hard I know, but one day at a time and you'll get there. Stay strong and a year from now, you'll look back and laugh like I do now :)
It's normal to be depressed and/or to have physical symptoms, you body is going through withdrawal but the end results will be worth the hussle, trust me.
In the grand scheme of things, 2 weeks is nothing. Now I look back and laugh but back then I would cry, cry and cry. Some days I wanted to cancel the surgery and just stop at a fried food joint, that's how crazy I was but I kept my eyes on the prize and survived it.
Bottom line, this is so you survive your surgery. Having an enlarged liver during the procedure is very dangerous and any experienced surgeon will close you back up and not even move forward as it could put you in a compromised position if they did.
It's hard I know, but one day at a time and you'll get there. Stay strong and a year from now, you'll look back and laugh like I do now :)
It's normal to be depressed and/or to have physical symptoms, you body is going through withdrawal but the end results will be worth the hussle, trust me.

Everytime I take the bars I get nauseated and then vomit everytime! I go in to see the nurse on Tuesday for my weigh in and to do a nose swab. When I'm there I am going to ask if I can only do the shakes and get diabetic boost if not I'll order more shakes. If I am getting sick with every bar then that defeats the purpose.
Thank you so much for helping. I just love this site everyone is great!
Take care cause we care


I had my RNY over two years ago - back in the days before a pre-op diet. I can't imagine how hard it is for you. Try to keep your eyes on the prize - your surgery. You CAN do it. Take it day by day- hour by hour if you must. And I imagine the emotional part of is all quite normal - your body is suddenly without all the food and nutrients that it was used to- never mind the "head hunger". Good luck and keep at it - take care!