Freaked out!!!!! - long

on 8/23/10 9:29 pm, edited 8/23/10 10:14 pm - Canada
So this whole gallbladder story turned into a nightmare. After my ERCP, I ended up with pancreatitis and in the hospital for 5 days. It was not fun . They were able to successfully clean my bile duct though, which was lodged with hard bile and basically obstructing the bile completely but here's the catch...

During the ERCP procedure, which is basically an endoscopy, the surgeon noticed I had a bunch of small stomach ulcers. He explained all of this to me after I had woken up from god knows how much drugs & a fever so I don't really remmember anything about the conversation. I wasn't really phased by it at the time except for ok I have stomach ulcers, whatever. He prescribed me some drugs to stop acid production and to heal the ulcers but....

After coming to my senses, I realized having stomach ulcers with a band is realllllly not good, depending on where they are. Of course I do not remember where they are because again, I was so high I couldn't have found my own nose but if it's close to the band what does that mean?

The dreaded, supposely RARE Erosion. Now the surgeon preforming the procedure shares his office with Dr. Beau I later found out, but I don't know if he's very knowledgable with the band or if he would have known anything about it. I don't even remember telling him I am banded but I assumed he knew cause it is in my file.

So now I"m doing the legwork to get my results sent to Dr. Savoie ASAP. If the ulcers are close to my dodumen (spelling?) that's fine and it can be treated & controlled, but if they are around the band area, this is NOT good news because it won't heal with a foreign object touching it.

The only good news about the whole thing is that they were very small, so if it is infact erosion, then it' is in it's early stages and it has not migrated into my stomach yet (still have restriction so I know it's not migrated)  so getting it out before it does migrate really helps the risk of infection, other dangerous complications, etc.

Either way, I am freaking out and urge all of you to get a yearly endoscopy to ensure your band is fine. This could detect early issues that could save your life later. If it's not erosion even better and this whole thing is a write off, but if it is, it is great to know in advance before the whole thing has eaten my stomach.

If it's erosion, I have to be honest and say that I am NOT EVER getting another band for lots of reasons and just the simple complication rates, which after reading the website, are a lot higher than I ever imagined (33% failures? really?). I may revise to a VGS after my stomach has healed depending on my stats. I am almost at goal and everyone is saying that I could simply try to keep the weight off, but I'm not sure I can do this. For those of who with sleeves-  How's the ride? Was the surgery harsh? I wonder if it's pregancy friendly? Was it done by lap?

Anyway please wish me luck. Let's hope my ulcers are not close to the band and due to me taking NSAIDS. I have been taking advil and naproxen cause they never told me I couldn't, but after some reading, I read it can cause ulcers. I'm hoping I had ulcers before the band because I did have really BAD GERD before my band and major stomach issues. About 4 years ago, I had an endoscopy done and was told my stomach was burnt and inflammed due to acid and I was prescribed Nexium daily. After being banded, I never had heartburn or acid reflux again so I stopped taking it the day after my band surgery. Even if I do have ulcers now, I do not have acid reflux or any symptoms really.

In either way you put it, I"m pretty devasted right now and I'm hoping for the best, yet expecting the worst.


Edit// Getting my results sent to Dr. S has been a effing pain because the report hasen't been written yet or even looked at by a radiologist even if it's been weeks. Dumont is giving me crazy red tape, but Dr. S has now taken over the legwork  and is requesting the pictures sent to him ASAP. He is going to call me back once he's reviewed them. WISH ME LUCK and I'll keep you posted.

on 8/24/10 11:11 am - New Maryland, Canada
Monica, That really sucks. I don't have symptoms of acid reflux either (& also stopped medication) but I have acid reflux too and must take Pantoloc. The result is swelling around my band.

I do hate the way surgeons talk to you before you are awake enough to remember. It was months after my band surgery before I realized that Dr B came to talk to me. It is only because I remembered asking him about my liver size. I thought it was a dream, but the memory didn't fade like memory of a dream does, so I asked my hubby. He told me that Dr B & I had a whole conversation....but I don't remember. When My sister had cancer surgery, the surgeon told her that her cancer was in an inoperable location, & she was terminal. She didn't remember being told, so went on for months thinking that they were treating her to cure her, instead of managing her symptoms.

I hope the outcome is not what you fear.


on 8/24/10 10:00 pm - Canada
Kitty - that is awful about your sister.

It's ridiculous, they shouldn't talk to you about your health while under the influence. I realize they are very busy and have alot of fish to fry, however what's it worth to you if they talk and you don't remember? An ERCP is a very complex procedure and you are HIGH. I've had endos before and I wasn't this high. It took 2 1/2 hours to clean my bile duct, so they had to drug me more than expected cause it was only supposed to be a half hour. I didn't remember anything for 48 hours after this procedure, that's how high I was off demerol and valium. Not to mention I had an allergic reaction to something and my entire face swelled up.

Anyway, I just called my clinic and dumont finally faxed the results to Dr. S but he's in the OR today.  I should have my answers today or tomorrow the latest.

I'm really hoping nothing is wrong with my band, if so I have to admit I am not impressed. A year out and I"m already facing the possibility of removal? Even a revision right now is not something I'm considering. I'm seriously considering getting it out and joining weigh****chers for the rest of my life. We'll see and I"ll keep yall posted.

I also noticed Dr. B seems to be performing more sleeves lately - I wonder if there is a reason for this since for awhile he was all band, band, band and alot of newbies are now getting sleeves?

I don't know, for sure alot of folks love and rock their bands for years so the last thing I want is to discourage people on the band, but if i'm facing removal, I can't say I will recommend it to anyone going forward...

I've been successful yes, but I didn't opt for something that would last me a year either...

on 8/25/10 12:35 pm - New Maryland, Canada
I have had 3 ERCP- the first one has a very funny story attached. About 15 years ago I had severe hemorrhagic pancreatitus. My amylase levels were so high that when I tell doctors they stop reading my referral & look up at me like they didn't hear me right.  When I had my first ERCP. I was druged to the max........About 4 weeks later my DH was leaving the hospital for work when he said to me "Don't take a swing at any nurses today"  I laughed at him & told him not to be foolish, I have never taken a swing at anyone in my life! He said that I certainly have, I took a swing at a nurse. Well I told him that he was crazy. Later I remembered this dream I had. In this dream someone was trying to drown me. If I opened my eyes, I could see a nurse's hat (like who wears these any more?), but the room was dark & I could only see the parts of the nurse that were in the spot light. A German voice was saying my name "Mrs Velling" over & over. ( It was the doctor) Well someone was drowning me so I was flailing my arms trying to push away whatever was drowning me.  Yep, you guessed, it was not a dream. They called my husband at work, & asked him to come in & control his wife!! Well they knocked me out with more drugs instead. ........ Well a few months later, I had to have another ERCP, only this time, the good doctor put me on my stomach (no arms to swing around) and gave me so much drugs that I didn't wake up for an hour after they returned me to the floor!!! He made sure I wouldn't give him any trouble a second time!


on 8/25/10 12:36 pm - New Maryland, Canada
I really don't think that you are facing removal of the band. I have been through a lot more complications than you and removal has never been mentioned.


on 8/26/10 1:21 am - Canada
Yeah but erosion is not something that can be cured. If you search for lapband and stomach ulcers nothing positive comes up except for erosion :/
on 8/26/10 5:33 am - Benton, Canada
Scartears i am so sorry for all of your trouble. i have been following your journey this past year and waiting patiently for mine. I just wanted to let you know what Dr. B had said about the sleeve. He has noticed in the last year and a half of doing them that there is basically no maintenance with them. Of course he still sees you on a regular basis but the surgery is super quick and good healing with no complications. He is having great results with them and said he may eventually only offer sleeves and Rny surgery. Also one reason I chose it over the RNY is you get to keep your own stomache. All he does is make it smaller the way it should be, instead of the very large and hungry one that I have now.  There are many other reasons I chose the sleeve but those are some and I hope this helps with your descision. Hope everything works out for you please keep us posted, Trish
HW-362 SW-330  (21lbs lost on pre-op diet)  Over HALF way there!!  
on 8/26/10 6:03 am - Canada
Trish - Thanks so much for you words of wisdom.

An small update for everyone. Dr. S reviewed my results and saw nothing alarming regarding the band. That's good news. What concerns me is that the secretary acted as if he didn't even see any ulcers or anything wrong with my stomach at all. I"m pretty sure I was told I had ulcers so I made an appointment with my family doctor so she can go over the entire results with me again because like I wrote in a previous post, I was so drugged during the procedure that  I hardly remember a thing.

I remember him drawing a stomach and a bunch of little holes he called ulcers and prescribing medication. My hubby also remembers this so I know I haven't lost it completely.

I have heard wonderful things about the sleeve and honestly, regret not opting for it. No maintenance, no stucks, no slips, no vomitting and excellent statistics overall. The pounch can stretch but it will never stretch back to it's original form due to stomach removal. Everyone sleeved seems to love it with no regrets. Of course like every surgery there are complications and the sleeve has no malabsortion, but from my research and as a banded patient, I can say with much certainty that should my band give out on me, I will be revising to a sleeve.

Not to discouraged banded people because I am one, but before I seemed to believed that it was a good thing  the band was reversible, now I see it the other way around - why would we not want something permenant?  When we get weight loss surgery, do we not expect permenant weight loss? Plus I have to admit the lapband stats are looking worst and worst each year, they are worst now than when I got banded.

Anyway, I'm happy Dr. S saw nothing alarming upon review of my ERCP procedure. A good news story. Now if I can just get this ulcer story figured out.


on 8/30/10 12:05 am - New Maryland, Canada
Phew! Good news.
I have to say that I would go to the sleeve too. I have had to have an unfill like 4 or 5 times. I have talked to people who have not had one  problem, lost all the weight, and love the band unconditionally. I would rather have my band than nothing at all, but the sleeve sounds good.
I don't know about the stomach not stretching though. My father had half his stomach removed (ulcers) twice and it grew back both times.


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