How often do you weigh?
If you focus on the scales and the numbers you lose sight of the big picture, the day to day of doing what you need to do. I get on the scales rarely. If my body feels lighter, or heavier as has been the case recently, then I weigh. But mostly I just try to focus on doing it. Doing what needs to be done, eating right, exercising and being happy in my decision. It has not been easy at times but I am okay with that. Its not about the numbers, its about how do I feel in my clothes, can I walk and play with my grandchildren and go swimming and dance with my husband and travel - if I can do that - the scales are just a tool to measure the space I am taking up.
As far as I am concerned - keep your scales in the room you least use in your home, under a piece of furniture and only dust them off now and then.
As far as I am concerned - keep your scales in the room you least use in your home, under a piece of furniture and only dust them off now and then.
Only a few times a day!! LOL Really, I weigh myself every morning. When I am having difficulty drinking & eating, I helps push me toward the doctor's office....I lose too fast. If I don't have restriction, it reminds me to get back on the program. After you have not been able to eat for a week or longer, you are literally starved and I go on a "See-food Diet" ...I eat everything I see. It doesn't take long to backfire on the scales. When i have good restriction, with no problems I start skipping days and weigh myself about once a week.
As little as possibe! Seriously - we are such SLAVES to scales. When I was still actively losing - I would try to not get on the scales any more than twice a week. Now - I'm maintaining - and I try to stay off the scale - getting on once every few weeks. But old habits die hard don't they. I do find that my clothes can tell me if I need to reign in a bit - as well as how I feel generally. 5 lbs when you weight 165 - sure shows up a lot more than 5 lbs at 285! Take care!