Miss Kitty you make me blush!
The funny thing is my work pants are size 12! I knew they were too big but never dreamed that I was a size 6. The size 5 was one pair of shorts at one store; the average is 6!
I too have never before in my adult years worn anything this small. Still trying to wrap my head around it! That likely has a lot to do with the nasty excess skin in the stomach area. I absolutely hate it and really want to get rid of it. One step at a time I guess.

The funny thing is my work pants are size 12! I knew they were too big but never dreamed that I was a size 6. The size 5 was one pair of shorts at one store; the average is 6!
I too have never before in my adult years worn anything this small. Still trying to wrap my head around it! That likely has a lot to do with the nasty excess skin in the stomach area. I absolutely hate it and really want to get rid of it. One step at a time I guess.