Have surgery date
I would love to see you there the day of my surgery Charline if you would like....Don my hubby is driving me there on surgery day we were debating on if I should book a room for the night at a hotel after surgery or would I be able to handle the drive home? I am so excited and it is finally here woohooo...
We drove home, and I slept through the drive, but I was in agony when I tried to move to get out of the car at home. My hubby did stop at Shoppers in Moncton and got pain killers. They must have helped but it didn't feel like it. I think it would have been worse the next day. Now there was a younger women discharged at the same time and she looked like she could have walked home!
Thank you Mary....I am so relieved that my surgery date has finally been set andto think it is now less then a month away and before I know it it will be August 10th....I am still saying WOW to myself and outloud. July 20th I go for all the pre-op testing for 2:00pm, I wonder if it is then that I start my shakes or not? Oh well I will find all that out on the 20th when I am there. This is so exciting and it is just finally sinking in and my stomach is in knots...worrying if something will go wrong or if I am doing the right thing but I am sure everyone has had all those fears and thoughts...it is all part of reality kicking in. 

Hi Whitney...I too am having my surgery soon at the George Dumont..I had my pre-op clinic last Friday...Blood work, EKG, chest x-ray and consult with the nurse and respiratory therpist.I have to return to the clinic there on the 23rd, a week pre-op for weight check and final chat with the nurse before the big day .My surgery date is July 30 and I too am in shock and scared just like you..I am having the gastric sleeve..You diet of drinks starts 2 weeks pre-op from your date, so get those final meals in now..haha..I actually started my drinks 5 days early, yesterday, to give me an even bigger weight lose before surgery. I figure the better the head start will be best in the long run..Please add me to your friends so we can keep in touch , compare notes and maybe be a support to eachother, and recipe swaps....Keep in touch!!