Spent last night at the ER!

on 4/14/10 11:25 am, edited 4/14/10 12:45 pm - New Maryland, Canada
Dam those gurneys are NOT comfortable!  Last night about 11PM I got this Charlie-horse like pain in  patch under my arm about where my bra covers. It only lasted a few seconds but it was a 9 or 10 and i couldn't touch the area or move the arm on that side (because it would increase the pain. It passed quickly is I literally said "That was weird". About  11:20 the same pain hit my  chest from the area where the band is and radiating all the way to the roof of my mouth!!  It was so intense that I could not move my arms without excruciating pain. The pain was up there with pancreatitus, kidney or Gall stones (supposedly the most painful medical crises). I have had all three and the of as bad when at it's worse. This time it did not go away. I checked my heart rate and it seemed fine. Steady & strong.  I was quite sure that I was not having a heart attack but I kept remembering all those e-mails most of us have seen warning that female heart attacks are different. Whatever it was it would not go away, & it had to be something serious. I hurt so bad I couldn't call out to my daughter- she was down stairs. I had to call her on her cell phone!!  She took me to the hospital. About 12:30 the pain started to come and go and finally was gone. They did ECGs and blood work (cardiac protocall calls) all night. I didn't have a heart attack, didn't have broken ribs. The doctor (who didn't know a thing about bands) said it sounded like it was muscular pain but it was odd that I had no residual pain. They she said it could have been esophagus spasm. I thought of the unfill and fill of my band. I told her i thought this cause a spasm. She didn't think so, saying that the band would have still been there all thought it, but we know that big fills and unfills are a problem.  any way- I was discharged T 11:00 this morning. I feel fine!  What do you girls think? Has it esophagus spasms caused by the changes in my band?


Abby G.
on 4/14/10 12:43 pm - Canada
 I would say the first thing to do is to call Moncton.  If it never happens again - great, but if there is a problem that may make it re occur then you definitely want to take care of it.  I would guess that if they checked all the non band related stuff and found nothing - it must have something to do with the band.  You have been hitting the exercise pretty hard lately - any chance it could be connected to that?  That's me - looking for an excuse to NOT exercise LOL.  Please pursue this until you find an answer!  Take good care of you Grammy! 
on 4/14/10 12:49 pm - New Maryland, Canada
I biked 12 k last night and it was off road, well off anything paved. but the doctor didn't think that had anything to do with it. I called Moncton and told them what happened via voice mail (I left it up to them whether or not they called back.) and they didn't call back. I think I have an answer in the esophagus spasm- it felt like a muscle spasm.


on 4/15/10 10:48 pm
I think you need to have your band assessed with fluro due to all that has happened good for the biking I do not think it would cause a pain in your chest maybe butt  :)
on 4/16/10 9:56 am - New Maryland, Canada
Dr B says it isn't the band?!?  I don't agree, I think my esophagus went into spasm because of the changes. Today is the first day that I am absolutely starved. I want to eat all the time. I can't wait for my fill in 3 weeks. I will have to call Nathalie on Monday.


on 4/16/10 10:54 am - Canada
I called ang got an appointment for the 17th @ 1:15. Try & see if you can get in that day, would be fun to sit and chat again; fluro might be a longer wait though.


on 4/16/10 11:40 am - New Maryland, Canada
I will call on Monday. He said he wanted to do this fill under fluro. Perhaps we can go for coffee before or after or between our appointments.....I am going to send myself an e-mail to remind myself.
I am absolutely starved today. I can get full or satisfied. I hope tomorrow is better or I will gain like 20 pounds in the next 3 weeks!


on 4/16/10 9:03 pm - Canada
I am not hungry at all; in fact  I am thinking that I am not hungry enough! I know that sounds weird, but I am having a hard time eating; really is a chore. I have no appetite and the thought of most foods kid of gross me out. I guess I will ride the wave while it lasts! LOL!!


on 4/17/10 12:06 pm - New Maryland, Canada
Oh God I wish that were me. I ate like a pig today. Yes I ate a lot less than the other 4 women I was with but a lt more than I should or did a week ago. When I get hungry my stomach just pains and I can't think of anything else. I don't remember hunger feeling this overwheming. I am going to balloon in the next 3 weeks, I just know it. My walking is the only thing that might save me.


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