Concerning Info on Dr B
I think the major topics have been covered. When over weight even with no known health risks there is an increased risk of pulomary emboli-- blot clot. Deep breathing excercises calf pumping and getting moving --- up and about as soon after surgery is important.
Dr B does a great job of informing pts many surgeons do not.
There is a risk of death during surgery and he tells you that , it is less with lap band done without opening the pt up.
For me I chose lap band because a year ago I had surgery --open procedure on my stomach and got very very sick after. I had a post opt infection and at week 4 had to be reopened and the infection drained this was after being on IV antibiotics for 4 weeks. I can not even remember Christmas 2008 I was off of work for almost 9 weeks.
I still proceeded with my wls because the benifits to my health outweighed the risks. My hubby had a hard time until I woke up after surgery he really did not want me to have wls because of the risk ,it did not help that my sister in law's uncle died after gasrtic bypass about 20 years ago.So everyone in my family thought I was crazy but now they have all changed my mom the most.
I for one am a patient of Dr.B's and I agree with everything everyone is saying about no matter what surgery you have have, they all have risks. If I had it to do all over again I most certainly would go to Dr. B again. If you ask me, he has got a pretty good track record considering all the patients he has performed wls on. I have nothing but the high most respect for him and his wife. I think they are very good at what they do!!!!!!
I wouldn't want anyone to read this post and be weary of Dr. B.
While I am not his patient, I know he is a highly recommended skilled surgeon from the numerous success stories I have heard, some not even weight loss surgery related. He operated on a good friend of mine to get all her womanly parts removed 10 or so years ago, and she had nothing but positive things to say about him.
The bottom line is being a surgeon is a very risky and courageous proffession and these types of stories are everywhere with all surgeons, bariatric or not.
I hope everyone realizes that I posted this out of concern not to bash Dr B, since this is an open support group, I had hoped everyone would take it as I meant it...just out of concern and shared information. Thank you (I may be nuts) for your comment,again I am sure it was just out of concern and to share what we are hearing with others in the group not to put down any surgeons capabilities. I think everyone needs to be open and allow others to comment without telling them that they should verify all information prior to posting, that is unrealistic and may make another OH member feel like they cannot share their thoughts and feelings, which is the point of the support forums.

Ang...good luck on what ever decion u decion is wrong...its a path and great journey we have chosen.........smouchers girlriend!