DSers advice? anyone
I truly think the type of surgery you decide is a personal choice. Before I had my lapband, I evaluated all the surgeries out there and compared them to how I ate to determine which surgery was right for me and my lifestyle.
I chose the lapband because I knew I could make it work for me but beware that it is not a surgery for everyone.
I think what’s most important when choosing the surgery type is how you are and the reasons you are fat. Portion control was my struggle, so a restrictive surgery really made sense for me. I plan on having children in a few years, which also helped my decision because with RNY or VSG, you can gain the weight back after a pregnancy.
I assume you selected a malabsortion surgery because you concluded that would be right for you. The lapband is NO walk in the park and is a difficult journey. While I have lost 90 pounds thus far, I have worked my shrinking butt off every day.
I bet a lot of DS waiters are having regrets for not selecting the lapband in the first place as they would be over and done with by now but I truly think that you need to follow your heart. If you feel a malabsortion surgery is what your body needs in order for you to succeed, then I think selecting a surgery just to have it over and done with it is not a good idea. That’s just my opinion!
Good luck on your decision and keep us posted.
I am just thinking out loud. Thanks for listening. No one but us who have been through all this understands the frustration and the worry.

Hey guys I can totally relate, I had never heard of DS before seeing Dr. S. After he told me about it and it had all the components of the RNY(which was what I went into his office wanted for a surgery) I went home and researched it and was super excited. It was my dream surgery. Then when it never came about and word was it wasn't going to, I was very discouraged. Dr. B said a surgery has to be followed for 5 years before it will be performed in NB(by followed I got the idea, he meant researched and approved) so because I had been on Dr. B's list for a long time, I called to see what the chances were of getting in to have a consult and had my appt on Jan 11, and now I am having the RNY. I have to be honest here, as I was on my blog, if there was ANY way I could have the DS I would choose it for sure. There isn't anyway however so I am chosing what for me appears to be the best choice available, the RNY. I have a BMI of 56 so I need all the help I can get.
The sleeve though is the first part of the DS surgery and I did wonder if Dr. S would do the sleeve and then when it became available still do the rest of theDS on those who wanted or needed it, just a thought. For those who have thought about self pay I heard the DR in Spain is one of the best and the pay includes everything, flight, surgery and afterstay nearby, he is one of the most experienced and reasonable as far as prices. Darn it I can't think of his name but would know it if I heard it. He has done some of the surgeries on the DS forum. By the way the folks on the Ds forum who have had that surgery would recommend doing what you had to do to get it, they think it is the best surgery out there. Just sayin...Everyone has to decide for themselves though. Wishing all you DS waiters the very best....Trish
I have not been on in ages. I knew there were delays in getting a DS..but 5 more years?
I had my DS in June 2006. I live in Europe and with so many WLS surgeons in Belgium, Germany and Spain, I got about 4 opinions on what surgery was best for me, and 3 out of 4 told me DS.
I talked to the Surgeons who performed 4 or 5 types of wls surgery, ie bands, RNYs, and DS so there was no bias, and not just that a Dr did a Band so recommended a band.
Anyway, I decided the DS was for me and my local Surgeon agreed. But, about 3 weeks before surgery when paperwork was starting to flow, the government determined it would not cover DS as no one here had a DS before. It was a devastating moment I can tell you. I cried and cried.
Then had a good hard think, which all you DSers are now doing. I decided FOR ME, that the DS was still the best option. That I hopped to live alot more years and wanted to live the life a DS would provide, with the eating patterns a DS allows. I certainly did not have any savings but I went to the bank and got a loan for "home improvements" to cover the approx 16,000 surgery. Forgive me if I have written different figures somewhere here a few years ago...because sitting her now, I don't actually remember for sure, but know it was around 12,000 Euro.
It is 4 years later, I am still paying about 350 a month for those "home improvements". I will continue to pay this for some time. And all I can tell you is it is the best damn Home improvements I have ever done.
I eat what I want, when I want. I never ever count caleries, never think about fat. Bring on the steaks, the ice-cream, the cheese...nothing like a high protein diet to put a sparkle in my little eye. I did put on a few pounds over last year but to my surprise if I do even minimal exercies which I have done in the last couple months, it just drops off. I do love my DS.
So, you make up your own mind. Paying for a DS is like buying a new car, you pay for the short term, being say 3 to 5 years. But the car runs for the rest of your life.
I am so glad I said not to a free RNY and bought a DS. The RNY is great for many, but on the long term I did not feel it was as nice an option for me and my desires for the rest of my life of eating. I was able to get a loan, but would I have mortaged the house? Hell Yes! I wanted to take control of my life, on my terms. And I was worth a lot more then 12,000 Euros!
That said, I know in NB you have to travel for Surgery, which is also scarey. So if you do go down that route, research, research research you Surgeon! I can only recommend mine in Germany as being a world leader.... Dr. Weiner...but it is a long way to come! I know this because when I was there, there were many people who came over from the US and many other international countries.
DS Surgery June 2006, Been fine every since. Weight stays the same. Rarely remember I had surgery.....except for the daily vitamins.