Day 3 isnt bad so far
Well the horrible spasms I had in my stomach have stopped. I emailed the dietician in Montreal last night to ask about it and she stressed not to refrigerate the optifast...I was mixing 400 mls of water with one pkg as she instructed and would refrigerate half for three hours until my next meal time...she did tell me it didnt keep well but I never thought 3 hrs would hurt,guess I was wrong. lol Now she wants me to go down to 2 shakes a day if I can. I must lose 30 lbs before surgery and she is concerned because of my high bmi. I'm going to stick to 3 today and tomorrow and if I feel ok will go down to 2 on the weekend..I'm going to go to the hospital tomorrow to see if I lost anything since Tuesday, that may help me judge better
today is better...
today is better...

Hey Ang
I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better.. its soooo interesting that there can be such a difference between dietitians!!?? Its nuts!!?? I am really shocked about going down to 2 shakes now.. but I guess everyone is different.. I am sure that you will loose the weight.. My weight is not far off from yours and the first time that I did the Optifast for 8-7 days (and I admit it; I cheated a couple of days) I lost 15 lbs.. but I also was working out and allot of weight resistance.. I am sure that you will do just fine hon!! All the best! Keep in touch!!
Big Hugs,

I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better.. its soooo interesting that there can be such a difference between dietitians!!?? Its nuts!!?? I am really shocked about going down to 2 shakes now.. but I guess everyone is different.. I am sure that you will loose the weight.. My weight is not far off from yours and the first time that I did the Optifast for 8-7 days (and I admit it; I cheated a couple of days) I lost 15 lbs.. but I also was working out and allot of weight resistance.. I am sure that you will do just fine hon!! All the best! Keep in touch!!
Big Hugs,

I used to make my shakes with the coldes****er I could. I would put ice cubes in the water and let it get good and cold then scoop the ice out and make the shake. I would also use refridgerated water when I was mixing them at work. The trick is the colder the better but don't let it sit - it gets too hard for your tummy to handle. Also beware of constipation. Optifast has no fibre in it and is very high is sodium. Check with your dietician to see if you can add Benefibre or FibreSure to your shake. They let me at Dr. Beau's clinic and I still had horrible issues with constipation. Make sure you get lots of water on top of the shakes. 2 shakes a day is not enough calories to maintain health and you need to be healthy. I know you have to follow instructions but be careful please.
Good luck to you on your journey,
Good luck to you on your journey,