new group
Hi everyone I am starting a new group OH CANADA. I could not find a NB group , I love the forum but thought we might benifit from a group.I have also applied to be a leader so the group will have offical OH status,so we will see:). If you are looking for a group to join check it out. My goal is to have it be a supportive place but have an educational twist as well. I think you all have so much to share and we can really learn from one another.
Hi Abby,
It was my understanding that a forum and group are different I can not find the NB forum listed in the groups. But I have a question into the site operators. I will not form a group if the two are the same. My understanding is a group is designed very similar to the forum but has an educational component to it. I am so excited about everything that I hope I have offended anyone.
It was my understanding that a forum and group are different I can not find the NB forum listed in the groups. But I have a question into the site operators. I will not form a group if the two are the same. My understanding is a group is designed very similar to the forum but has an educational component to it. I am so excited about everything that I hope I have offended anyone.
Sorry Charline you must have missed when I discussed that due to my health I was backing off of running the online group for now and I was certainly sorry to anyone that had joined - I am trying to stay on top of pm's and emails that I get almost daily with help on - research - my personal experience of self pay and also post op life etc. I also get a lot of enquiries about meetings in Halifax and area.
So for right now that is all I can manage- it has been quite a long time since you inquired about the group I had formed so maybe you forgot I had answered your question as to what happened with it.
Shauna -I have the OH certification - so if they dont get back to you about the next session let me know and I can send you the name of the contact- with all the changes on OH it used to be easier to find info out! lol
So for right now that is all I can manage- it has been quite a long time since you inquired about the group I had formed so maybe you forgot I had answered your question as to what happened with it.
Shauna -I have the OH certification - so if they dont get back to you about the next session let me know and I can send you the name of the contact- with all the changes on OH it used to be easier to find info out! lol
nices thank's for the new group.Do we just go to OH Canada to get to it?
BMI 43 254 Aug 5th 2009 just befor surgery
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
One of those times when it is best to keep my mouth shut than to speak and remove all doubt.
Sorry, I really am not that familiar with how the overall OH thing works - guess everybody knows that already LOL. Oh well, please keep us posted and maybe I will venture out to new places I have never been before
- Abby

So you can join the group by searching OH Canada . I will be posting topics and info each week. I am filling out my forms to be approved today. My hubby thinks my long range plan to have a confernce is alot of work but wouldn't it be great to be able to attend a confernce in the martimes that is inspirational and edcucational.