I was out shovelling this morning with the scoop. The snow was heavy and I went to push the scoop up to empty it, the corner of the handle jabbed me and the pain was instant. I have either bruised my ribs or my port area. Whatever the case, it hurts like heck.
I should live in a tropical destination.

I should live in a tropical destination.
Ouch is right! Not much padding there any more to absorb the impact of shovel handles, doorknobs, corners of tables and other things - right Jet? Get the feeling I am a walking klutz? I am. I always bruised easy - but moreso know - but if I run into anything it's hurts more than it did - lack of padding there too I guess. Try ice then heat to the area - wish I could reccomend motrin - but it's a no go as you know. Tylenol should be of some help. Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon!