Got a fill date!!!
I don't have a date, but I'm not in a big hurry this time. I finally got restriction with my last fill and my band is working great ! I'm very happy. so if they don't call me for a while, I won't be devastated. It has take over a year to get that sweet spot, but I think I'm least for a short while. I'm glad you got an appointment. when they cancelled the clinic due to the H1N1 i was concerned you guys wouldn't get calls for a long time, but it sounds like the worst is over. yay for you !!!!!!

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Actually, I called them last week to see if I cold get an appointment. They said , "not at this time" but they expected things to open up again this week and I guess they were right. Here's hoping it stays open. The 14th is only 2 1/2 weeks away - so here is hoping that we don't have another flare up of H1N1.